
Chapter 10: True Identity

Setting: Mumbai city, Lokhandwala, Dhanyavad Stores

Day: Sunday (7th February 2021)

Ranveer: Now then let's go.

(Ranveer walks towards the exit)

Ranveer: You guys wait here I will scout the area.

Sana: Are you being serious?!

Ranveer: If you think I am gonna leave you guys alone and run away from here, then don't.

(Ranveer takes out his gun goes through the shop exit and starts scouting)




Ranveer: It's safe. Let's go.

(Ranveer and all the girls start walking towards the Star Tower Apartments)

(Ranveer and the girls walk sneakily)

Ranveer: Try your best to be silent.

The girls: Yes.

(Ranveer enters the Star Tower Apartments)

(Ranveer and the girls enter the apartments and continue to walk further in)

(Ranveer senses something behind him and the girls)

(Zombie sneaks behind the girls)

(Ranveer turns back)

Ranveer: Watch out!

(The girls look behind in shock)

Zombie: Aaaaaaaarrrrrrgggcckh!!

(Moves towards the girls and Ranveer)

(Ranveer pulls the girls towards him)

(Ranveer shoots the zombie behind them)

Sound Fx: Phoooosh!

(The bullet goes through the zombies head)

(The girls look towards Ranveer's face in shock)

The girls (Thinking): He saved us!

(Ranveer looks towards the girls)

(All the girls get a bit embarrassed)

Ranveer: Stop being so slow. We gotta move.

(Ranveer pushes the back a bit and continues to move forward)

(The girls follow behind him)

Sara (Thinking): He saved us! I was right I ask for his help!

Sana (Thinking): He might've saved us but he is a jerk.

Samaira (Thinking): If he would've not saved us we would've died just now. Still, I hope he was a bit less rude.

(Ranveer and the girls continue to walk forward)

Ranveer (Thinking): We are almost there.

(A zombie appears in front of Ranveer)

Ranveer (Thinking): A zombie?! Did it hear us?! Oh well! I'll just kill it.

(Ranveer is about to shoot the zombie but his eyes look in that direction in horror)

Ranveer: What the fuck!

(A horde of 50 zombies come from the same direction)

The girls: Oh no! Now what?!

(Ranveer looks towards the girls)

Ranveer: listen! Do you see the block in front of you?

The girls: Yes!

Ranveer: Run towards it as fast as possible and here...

(Ranveer removes a block and gives it to Sana)

Sana: Why are you giving this to me?

Ranveer: Because out of all of them you are the only one who knows how to use it. Am I wrong? Sana Siddiqui.

Sara and Samaira (Thinking): How does he know her name?

Sana: How do you-

Ranveer: We will talk later now run enter the block and reach the 6th floor by any means.

(The girls start running leaving Ranveer behind)

Ranveer: Now then let's try it!

(Ranveer removes Anurag's guns)

(Sana looks towards Ranveer while running forward)

Sana (Thinking): Those guns! It can't be why does he have them

(Ranveer starts running forward)

Ranveer: Don't get distracted. Look forward while running!

(Sana snaps out of her shock and looks forward and continues to run)

Zombies: Aaaaaaaarrrrrrggggccckh!!! Grrrrrrraaaaaaaggaggggccckh!!

(Zombies start to run towards Ranveer and the girls)

The girls (Thinking): Here they come!

(Ranveer and Sana start to shoot the zombies)

Ranveer (Thinking): There are a lot of them!




(The girls reach the block)

Samaira: Finally we are here.

Sara: You're right!

Sana: Don't stop we gotta reach the 6th floor as he told us to.

(The girls continue to move forward)

Zombie: Aaaarrrrgggckh!!

(Sana points the gun towards the zombie)

Sana (Thinking): Three zombies?! How did they get here? Well, it does not matter.

(Sana pulls the trigger)

Sana: Oh no! I am out of bullets!

Sara and Samaira: Oh no!

(Zombies run towards them)

Sana (Thinking): Now what?! Are we gonna die?! Just like that?!

(Sana and the other girls close their eyes)


(Sana, Sara and Samaira open their eyes)

The girls: Are we still alive?!

(Zombies in front of them drop dead)

(The girls get shocked)

The girls: How did these zombies die?

(A voice from behind)

Ranveer: Didn't I tell you not to stop and continue running.

(The girls look behind)

Ranveer: let's go! There are still some zombies behind us!

(All three of them look towards him)

Sana (Thinking): He saved us again but weren't there about 30 zombies even after we cumulatively killed only 20 did he kill 30 zombies by himself?! That can't be but he is covered in blood and does not look injured.

Sara (Thinking): Did he kill all the zombies?!

Samaira (Thinking): I am officially scared of this guy.

Ranveer: let's keep going otherwise the zombies will catch up to us.

(Ranveer walks towards the girls)

(Sara, Sana and Samira look at Ranveer)

Ranveer (Thinking): Why are these girls starting at me?

The girls (Thinking): Who really is he?

Ranveer: let's go!

To be continued...

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