
Cap 470: Vacation

I was following the Runic merchant named Ricardo to the building while accompanied by Nira and Freya who are disguising herself as a White Elf. 

  The woman and the man in armor are following us closely as is the butler, the woman continues to look at me seriously. 

  The seven of us go to a room on the second floor of the building that is very well decorated, we are guided to this room that has a set of chairs and two sofas. 

  As they stand still for a few seconds, I go over to the couches and sit on one of them with Nira and Freya sitting on either side of me. 

  On the sofa in front of me, the Runic merchant and the armored woman sit, while the armored man and the butler sit behind their sofa. 

  "Mind if I ask a few questions?"  (Ricardo) 

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