
Side Story: Moths to the Flame

Forest shadows loomed ominously overhead in the waning light of the new moon. Distant hooves rumbled like thunder, echoing loudly in the dark rider's ears. Vladimars's cloak fell away from his face was the wind whipped around him as he urged his ebon horse faster. Fear dwindled his chances of outrunning the templars on their Warders. He wasn't ready to surrender, not yet. He was so close to finding her, he could feel it. He had the artifact that would make his dream a reality but he hadn't counted on them discovering its absence from its shrine so soon!

'Those damned templars would ruin everything!' He thought bitterly.

His eyes blazed angrily as he murmured ancient words that tasted of ash.


Eight armored riders slowed and wheeled as they rounded the bend in the forest. Sweat trickled down their faces behind visored helmets. A concerned murmur grew among them. The lead horseman turned his head slightly toward the petite woman clad in crimson and orange that sat uncomfortably behind him. Her slender gloved fingers were clenched around his waist..

"Where?" The templar demanded.

A small butterfly illuminated the shadows and darted forward. "That way," she quickly replied, "That will guide the way. He's hiding."

With a nod and a shout the riders gave chase, seeking the light that broke through the unsettling darkness of the forest.


A jolt of frigid cold down his spine made Vladimars stop his horse. He panted, attempting to catch his breath.

'There! Did I imagine it? Is she closer than I thought?'

He glanced backward and saw a light coming towards him. His heart sunk.

'Damn it all, of course the templars dragged an ember along to hunt me down!'

He urged the horse forward again. 'I can't get distracted! If they catch me, it's over for nothing!'

His thoughts were conflicted, he could sense that the woman was close but he didn't know where she was. Or was that the presence of another wielder of the Word nearby? Everything the Church had taught him said that Word users were drawn together. Good or bad, and that's why using the Word was dangerous. Aphotics would come if he wasn't careful.

Vladimars shivered at the thought. Aphotics were fear and death manifested. Only an ember could truly destroy an aphotic though a skilled templar might survive such an encounter.

'Perhaps, I shouldn't be careful? It might be my best chance.'

His hand trembled, as the thundering hooves grew closer, his pause had been enough to allow her pursuers to close the gap. He inwardly cursed and reached mentally outward reaching for the largest thread that connected the Word to the forest.

"Teiwaz forgive me for what I am about to do," he murmured under his breath.


The ember's hand shifted from the templar's waist to the back of his cuirass. Lucius's attention was forward in pursuit of the marker but he turned his head slightly at her touch.

"What's wrong, Apoline?"

Her voice trembled despite the power that resonated in it, "It's coming."

Lucius grimaced behind his visor and signaled for the others to stop. Silence grew between them as armor and hooves settled on the ground. Apoline slipped from Lucius's horse and paced a circle around the small contingent of templars.

She felt their unease and heard the racing of their hearts. Once their eyes had been on her back, uncertain of her ability but today, their eyes were watching the darkness beyond. Their faith in her gave her shield strength. It would buy them precious time in the fight to come.

Her sight showed her a world of color and light in the darkness. All around her were the pulsing threads of the Word that gave everything life. She searched beyond for the blight that was coming for the rogue mage but would find them first. Her presence would be the candle that draws the apothic like a moth- her light was brighter than any human mage.


Lucius murmured a prayer as he loaded his rifle with Mara shot and powder. The barrel shimmered with Teiwaz's blessing as he raised it to his shoulder. Waiting was the worse part. He kept Apoline at the edge of his vision. He could feel it reaching out for her; long, slimy tendrils blindly probing the forest.

"I don't want this thing to touch her," He decided.

Behind him, a feminine mantra broke the silence and filled their pocket of forest with light. Coupled with Apoline's magic, the tendrils recoiled back from their shield. A thunderous screech chilled him. He watched the colors and warmth drain from the forest. The tall grass just beyond their circle had withered and curled to ash. Tension coiled around them.

A wave of darkness crashed and broke over them. Apoline stood at the center staring into the fathomless depths of the aphotic's eyes. Her light surged forward and pushed the demon back. Her eyes blazed and the force of the magic made her hair flow around her. She took a step forward and glanced to Lucius.

Lucius met her gaze and she returned her attention forward.

Apoline reached out to touch the long limbs of the aphotic closest to her. She wondered if she could calm it. The aphotic hesitated as it flashed its maw at her. Crimson embers for eyes set in a inhuman noseless face appraised the ember's approach. She was not hostile.

Apoline's small, glowing hand touched an inky tendril and it shivered. The templars observing held their breath, uncertain of what would happen.

"Fire!" Lucius ordered, signaling to the others.


Birds tore through the forest canopy with a skittering screech after gunfire thundered in rapid succession and shouting disturbed the evening air. Vladamirs frowned, something felt off as the forest quieted.

"Did the templars kill it already?" He wondered. His hands clutched the rough oak bark as he reached out with his power to probe the surrounding area. He felt something cold slither past him. Startled, he fell out of the shadows onto a pile of dead pine needles.

I have some craziness going on so please enjoy these side stories that show what else is happening while Markos and Emilio are doing their thing.

Kim_Leicreators' thoughts
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