
Chapter 359- All Thoughts To The Darkness

"But if he thinks that he can match Godwin with just that, he up for a rude awakening," Raven said with a languid smile.

Simon utilised this chance when his opponent was busy deflecting all the blade shadows to approach closer.

"[Sword Mastery], [Body Enhancement], [Infernal Sword Mastery" he activated and stacked even more skills on top of the augmenting skill he already had activated to dish out a clean slashing attack towards his enemy.

Although the material of the armour his opponent was wearing, didn't look simple, Simon was sure that his Crimson Blazing Flame Blade that he upgraded from the [Armoury] after many failed attempts would be able to pierce through that defence.

Godwin noticed the Demon Viscount approaching near in the midst of him intercepting all those blade shadows and instantly understood his enemy's intention. Nevertheless, he did not try to dodge it nor raise any defence against it.

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