
Chapter 145 - Chaos Magicians

“I was there, Damien,” Hannah said as they sat around the cafeteria table, ignoring the fries on the plate between them. “I know what I heard. Your brother and his professor are mixed up with some old-time goddess and want to destroy the city. Your Chaos Magicians aren’t just about causing randomness with their spells. Didn’t you even question why they wanted to make an entire building disappear? What purpose does that even serve?”

He bounced his brows at her. “It brought you back to us, didn’t it?”

“But that wasn’t your intention,” she said, leaning over the table, whispering so others wouldn’t overhear. “It was merely a byproduct of the spell. You didn’t ask your brother who really gave him the spell, did you?”

Damien shook his head, a sheepish look covering his face.

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