
Chapter 123: New Era

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

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(This story is Finished in there)


Chapter 123: New Era


Yamato couldn't believe her ears, Kaido, her father who always stood like an unbeatable figure in her way, was finally defeated. By a man, she didn't even know about. She was going towards the place where she could sense every important Beast Pirate and one other strong presence.

She wondered how the person who killed Kaido was. Was he strong? Was he evil or good? Or maybe he was honorable like Oden? Many thoughts ran through her head.

As she arrived there, Yamato saw something unexpected. Thousands of the Beast Pirates were bowing down to an unsuspecting man. He had brown hair and brown eyes, if he wasn't here having all of these people who would rather die than kowtow, getting on their knees. Then she would have assumed he was just another normal guy, kinda cute and harmless-looking, but normal.

"Are you the one who killed my father?!" Asked Yamato in what most would assume to be a rude tone, even though she wasn't trying to be rude. Max smiled at her and the smile was neither malicious nor forced. 

"Oh~ you are Kaido's daughter right?" Max inquired gently. But before she could answer he said another simple word. "Kneel."


The ground around Yamato seemed to cave in and even though she too possessed Conqueror's Haki, she could tell right there and then. The difference between her and Max was too large. 

'Stronger than my father, no… stronger than anything I even thought possible before.' - Analyzed, Yamato as her bones started to creak and she fell into her knees without resistance. If she had tried, then she might have been able to stand up and not bow to him. But that would be even worse because then, he would have to physically force her to bow. 

Their difference in Haki was so large, so the difference in power had to be similar too. That was the conclusion Yamato came to as she bowed. 

"I understand how hard it can be to follow a new leader," Max said casually, with a tone that a nice boss would use with their subordinates. "If anyone has any complaints, you can tell them to me."

Even Ulti, who was usually a big mouth and even in front of Kaido, used to say what was on her mind. She was now quiet. Her brother, Page One noticed that his fearless sister was shaking in terror.

He couldn't blame her, Max's presence was unmistakably and unrepresentable unreadable. You couldn't tell when he was angry, happy, mellow or any emotion he was feeling. Neither did his face or spirit show any trace of true emotion they could read. 

"Well, if everyone doesn't have any complaints, then I welcome you under my wing. Now you have to act nice and no longer display those behaviors that the Beast Pirates were known for or I will have to kill you and anyone you ever loved. I will eradicate your whole bloodline. Understood?" said Max tenderly, even though he threatened to kill them, there was no trace of maliciousness in his voice.

"""YES SIR!!"" The Beast Pirates, even Yamato stood up and saluted him respectfully.


-Max POV-

What fucking sheep they are. So weak, maybe this was the power of being strong. Well, these guys and gals would all be my cannon fodder. There was no way I was sending my loyal soldiers to death's door, I would rather send these guys. 

Of course, even amongst them, there were a couple of people that could grow to be loyal. Amongst them was Yamato, she held no love for her father, but that Oden worshiping had to go. Or else I will have to kill her and give that Devil Fruit to someone more useful.

I looked at her and she caught my gaze, I smiled gently and waved. A dangerous man with a cruel demeanor was scary, but do you know what was even scarier? A dangerous man with a gentle demeanor. In society, those kinds of people thrive. Most thought that people who were acting cruelly in the open were dangerous. But no, those guys can be predicted easily. The scary ones are the kind of guys who will smile, greet you in the morning, and the next day they will do a horrible unspeakable act and after that go to a charity event to help the people. 

That was why a well-spoken, gentle-looking man had the potential to be the most dangerous person you will ever meet in your life. 

"I am going to unite Wano and have the weapon factories dismantled, only have the blacksmiths work on Seastone Weapons and such other things," I ordered them and then looked at Queen. "I want you to concentrate on creating chemical weapons in Onigashima, which will now be the place where we test dangerous weapons."

I must prepare for war, I had no idea if Luffy would get his hands on One Piece. But I had Kaido's Road Poneglyph and the Big Mom's too, the latter I had hidden in a place that only I knew where it was.

Well, I don't care about One Piece or being the King of the Pirates, but if there is a big war coming then I want to be prepared. 


Since Max took over Wano, a whole year passed and while many things changed, there was no big movement in the world. It was as if everyone was getting ready for something, no one knew what it was, but they were preparing for it.

On Sabaody Archipelago, a pirate ship stood on the dock. It has been there for the last two years. 

No one had touched it or vandalized the ship, why? Because it belonged to a crew who many assumed to be dead, The Strawhat Pirates. The last time they were seen was during the Marineford War. Also, certain dangerous people had been sighted protecting the ship.

A young man with a straw hat approached the ship, he had a red vest on and a mechanical arm. This was Monkey D Luffy, the Captain of the Strawhat Pirates. 

He looked at his ship and smiled widely. "Sunny, I missed you so much!"

Suddenly a group of people came and it was the rest of the crew members. Zoro yawned as if he had just woken up. "Damn, that shopkeeper gave me bad directions. I barely made it on time."

The swordsman had a scar over his eye now and it was closed. Sanji, who was next to him, elbowed the swordsman in the ribs. "It was only because you can't follow basic directions. Green marimo bastard."

"Huh?!" Zoro looked at Sanji angrily and they bashed head. Robin smiled at their antics and Nami separated them.

Franky, who now had a better cybernetics body, smiled as he looked at the ship he had built. "I have missed sailing on Sunny."


On the other side of the sea, Max stood upon a big throne made of different Sea King's bones, with a smile on his face. "Xahahaha~ it seems like the time has come. Negan, Raynare, Yamato, Reiju! Get ready!! We are going to rock this world!!"

As he stood up, Max no longer was that young normal-sized man. He now stood at a walloping 263 cm (8'8"). He now was a giant amongst normal men and as he walked, the ground around him cracked, his presence alone would make even seasoned warriors pass out. His hair had gone from brown to silver and gotten longer and spikier. 


The front door to his throne room was blasted open, and a group of people came in. "Did you call us Boss-man? I think I just heard something so amazing that it made me think I was dreaming."


A/N: Recently due to college I haven't been able to answer the comments or even read them due to the lack of time. If anyone has any questions, join discord and ask me.

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm

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