
Chapter 116: A Normal Wedding

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

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Chapter 116: A Normal Wedding


The more she listened to me the more Pudding started being enamored with my explanation. She didn't know that as long as she listened to me, I would hit her weak points and she would be on my palm sooner or later.

Also, the wedding is tomorrow, so even if she wanted to, by that time she won't be able to see through my deception. If she tried to annul the wedding, Big Mom might kill her so definitely she didn't want to test whether that would be true.

'The person you are prepared to take a bullet for, often pulls the trigger.'

That's what I wanted Pudding to understand, I knew that during the wedding Big Mom will do something.  

"Don't worry though, as long as you treat me well, I will protect you," I said, getting closer and kissing her on the lips. She didn't have any reaction and just stood there absent-minded, looking at the ground with empty eyes.

"Yes..." after a few seconds she had a late reaction and answered. Smiling at her, I grabbed her hand and we interlocked our fingers. Unlike before, Pudding was no longer scared and now had come to accept her fate. 

Like a centipede, my words would crawl in her ear and enter her mind, corrupting her thoughts. 


We spent the whole night talking together, and she started opening up to me and as her mind became more worn down she even showed me her 3rd eye. But I took it in stride and didn't act disgusted, though it did look weird, it wasn't anything to be repulsed about.

The wedding venue was nice as Big Mom sat with her children, the ones who were important as the others went to sit with guests. Opposite the same table, was where my crew sat, I and Pudding were at our table at the wedding. Hundreds of guests looked at us with all kinds of emotions.

"Let's start the ceremony!" yelled out Big Mom, looking at the wedding cake coming out of her mouth.

A priest who was twice the size of a normal human and also had a long neck came forward. I and Pudding went hand-on-hand towards him and we recited our vows. Even I felt my heart beating fast, not due to the marriage, but because of the massacre that was going to happen. Right now it was a deciding moment whether I would lose this way or not.


After saying yes to our vows the priest said that I could kiss the bride. But at that moment I turned around and addressed the others and picked up a glass of wine. "Everyone, a toast to our long-lasting relationship with the Charlotte Family."

"Mamamama~" Big Mom laughed happily and toasted. "To our eternal alliance."

Her children followed along, each drinking their wine, and I also toasted along with them. "Xahahaha! Yes! To our eternal alliance!"

I sensed the priest throw a chain at me as soon as I finished my speech. Grabbing my wife, who was the closest person to me, I used her as a shield.


The chain hit her body and Pussing spit out some blood. Immediately I realized that the chain was coated with Seastone. Big Mom and her children had already reacted too, Katakuri had subdued Negan and the rest were subdued by Daifuku and Oven. 

But my crew didn't even put up a fight and let themselves be captured with Seastone chains. Big Mom just looked at the scene in front of her with unhidden joy. She then glanced at me. "What are you going to do now Max? How about you give up?"

I just took a sip of my wine and looked at her, a smirk came to my face and I let go of Pudding and she slumped on the ground. "Well, you know what they say-"

"I don't want to hear your philosophical talk anymore." Big Mom interrupted me. "Now isn't the time for your speeches. I have always hated the way you talk."

"Trust me, you want to hear this." I coerced her and then added. "You can choose as you want, but your wants are chosen for you."

With that said, Katakuri's eyes widened and yelled out. "Stop!! Everyone, stop drinking!!!"

His siblings were surprised, but the guests were already shocked and Big Scoop Morgan was already taking photos. I looked towards the man and toasted towards him too. "You too my friends, a new age is coming. So you all better be scared."


The first one to cough out a mouthful of blood was Smoothie, she wiped at her mouth and looked at her hand. "What?"

Her confusion didn't last long as she fell on the table, dead. Soon a ceremony of coughs rang out.

*cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*...

After each cough a body fell on the ground dead, except my crew, everyone else was dying and I just sipped down on my wine as I observed the scenery. I then looked at Big Mom who was in shock. Our eyes met and I smirked at her. "This is what I call a checkmate."

Suddenly, one of the servers, a brown-haired girl with bangs took off a wig and pink hair flowed out. She was a masked Reiju. I toasted towards her too. "That was a job well done."

She smiled at me, and I didn't mention the secret fail switch I had put on her just in case she betrayed me. Reiju was dangerous for a reason.

Raynare, Negan, Ain, Binz, and Skinny Joey who were all restrained took off their handcuffs with keys hidden on their sleeves. They got up and started killing the people like Katakuri who were still alive.

Also, Katakuri hadn't been that much of a problem as the poison had a thirty-second delay, and by the time he would see it, he won't be able to change the future. The poison was already ingested and became critical.

Pudding got up and looked at her family dying with tears in her eyes. "Everyone, I am so sorry about this. There was nothing I could do."

Well, she could have. But in her mind, a cage had been built around it. To her, I had already become someone she can't escape from. It was a little sad just how broken she became, but for my ambition… it doesn't matter how many people I had to break.

God… I want to become this world's almighty God, someone with so much power that I will no longer be weak. I will never starve, people will never be able to go against me ever again.

I despise just how weak I had to be in the past, groveling to people stronger than me. Always having to stay one step ahead of everyone or I would have died. But I don't want to do something like that ever again, from now on I want to be the strongest, the smartest, I want to have the ability to make fantasy into reality.

"You bastard! I will kill you!!"

Big Mom's screams interrupted my thought process as she had transformed her hat, Napoleon, into his huge form and attacked me. 

I punched at her.


The air seemed like it was cut as our attacks pushed against each other without even touching it, the sky split in half as rain storms came about in what before had been just a calm day.

I kept my glass of wine perfectly balanced on my other hand the whole time that we clashed. Looking at wine again I snorted. "I don't even like alcohol," and so I threw the wine glass on the floor, shattering it into a million pieces, and got ready for my final battle with Big Mom.


A/N: Max has been relatively passive and hasn't stirred any pots where it could be dangerous. He was biding his time. Now that has changed, we will see his ambition and how far he is willing to go for his goals.


Since the wine was poisoned why didn't Max's subordinates also get poisoned?

They took an antidote before even coming to Wholecake island and make sure there was no traces of the antidote.

Why didn't the poison affect Big Mom?

Well, most orally ingested poisons won't affect Big Mom. Have you seen just how acidic her saliva is, it would destroy any poison before it could affect her.

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