
Chapter 15

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkout My P.A.T.R.E.O.N

Pa treon.com/HolyJoker

(~30 chapters in advnace)

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Chapter 15

Title: Passing Fancy...


Max yawned as he saw the pirate ships getting destroyed. "What a shame, we could have robbed them before sinking them."

"It's not robbery, we are just confiscating stolen treasure, which is perfectly legal." Negan said, imitating what Max would usually say. 

The Marine Captain smirked. "You are right."

"Negan! Don't try and imitate Max, you make it sound bad!" Ray criticized the bat-wielding man.

"Sheesh, you just can't wait to slide the captain's díck down your throat." Complained Negan, "Always coming to his defense at even the smallest jokes."

"W -What?!! You are so crude!!" Raynare belted, her face always blushing at the mention of Max and her.

"You never even say anything when your crush makes the same joke," Negan smirked, pushing Ray as much as he could. Recently though he felt like he (Ray) might really have some feelings for their captain.

Max sighed. "C'mon, both of you, stop fighting. We must present a united front to Germa 66."

At his words, both of them stopped fighting. They respected their friend/crush for Raynare to not listen to him. 


Reiju narrowed her eyes and with her good vision could see three figures standing in front of the first Marine Warship leading them. The front ship in front of it had a giant bear's head carved into it. This had become quite famous during the last year, it was the ship of Marine Captain Max.

Her brothers were next to her and so was her father. She wondered what they were going to do in this situation.

"Tch," Vinsmoke Judge seemed annoyed, "This up jumper Marine Captain has been taking all the credit and pirates in North Blue."

"How about we just get rid of him and play it off as an accident," Ichiji suggested, his red hair covering the malicious look that appeared on his face.

"No, that would be counterproductive." Reiju refuted, "Not only could he send a message to the Marine Headquarters before we could kill him, but he is loved all over North Blue, and if the news got out that we killed him, then the Vinsmoke Family will never sit in the North Blue throne."

Judge frowned but nodded in acceptance. He knew how things worked and Max was loved all over North Blue, even though the young man was stealing a little bit of his reputation, he couldn't do anything. Grema 66 wanted the reputation of Pirate Liberators, not Marine Killers, they want to be associated with safety, not terror. The wars that they participated in already ruined their reputation already, they didn't want to get on the Marine's bad side too.

"This is annoying," Yonji complained as he walked back into their kingdom ship. "I would kill someone so annoying if I met them, so take care of him for me guys." 

As Max embarked on the Germa 66 ships, he had a gentle smile while looking at the DNA-engineered family. "Hello there, it's an honor meeting the Germa 66 Royalty. I must admit I have been a fan of your technological advancements."

Judge smiled proudly at that. "Heh, but of course Germa 66's technology is the best in the world!"

He then walked off and mentioned it to some servant to show Max around. Obviously, this was a show of power and how royalty like him couldn't be seen with common Marines like Max. Judge believed that royalty shouldn't serve others, that was why he had hated Sanji cooking or doing any servant-like jobs.

Reiju said nothing and turned to walk away with her father. But as she did so a feeling of dread overcame her, like an instinct inside of her screamed that something dangerous was behind her. She turned around only to see an uninterested Negan and a politely smiling Max. She remembered seeing from far away, the girl who dressed like a boy, but it seemed like she hadn't decided to get on the Germa 66 ship.

"Is something bothering you?" Asked Max, his voice so sweetly polite that it would make any normal person smile back instinctively.

But Reiju on the other hand felt a feeling of wrongness as if he was hiding something, no… it felt like how a grown-up talked to a kid, she had seen those familiar eyes and polite smile… like talking to someone below you, an inferior person, a weaker person. She dismissed such a thought, knowing Max and how strong he was from the reports. Reiju didn't like her family, but also knew that no one would be as crazy as to look down on her father. Also, when looking at her, he didn't seem to hide his thoughts and wore them in his face.

She then walked away, wondering about the strange feeling she just got.

"Let me show you around the great Germa Double-Six kingdom." Said an unassuming guard.

Negan wasn't a happy man at the moment, even though he acted like he was just looking around uninterested, he could feel a rage of fire inside of himself.

But he made his displeasure known with little acts of pettiness, like scratching the ground with his spiked bat and secretly taking a śhit on the gardens while the tour guide was distracted with Max.

He was looking for a moment to take a pisś in one of the windows, but there were too many guards around. Negan still wasn't sure why they were even having this tour of the place, they didn't ask for it, Judge just said so. 

He looked at Max and seeing his friend's polite smile, he couldn't decipher what he was thinking at all. But this didn't change anything all the same.


-Max POV-

Hm~ how to get Reiju on my side? I don't care about the prancing Judge who is a frog in a well. Nor do I care about his emotionless sons.

My honor wasn't hurt with the dumb way Judge acted, because I have no honor, to begin with, that thing just seemed like uselessly limiting yourself. 


Sadly I only stayed with the Germa 66 for less than a day before deciding to set sail. Mostly because I didn't have any chance to talk to Reiju and wouldn't have any in the future either. Guess the stories where the Prince easily meets his princess don't work in real life. There are technical differences along the way leading to the meeting. But I could see her observing me from far away, so I put my best act here, trying to be as kind as I could in her eyes.

I could work with that in the future.

Still though as I set sail once more, I was met up with another Marine ship that would escort me. The ship had a giant bulldog's head in front with a bone in its mouth.

I knew who that ship belonged to and couldn't help but become a little excited at the prospect of meeting such a powerful man. He could teach me a lot.

So with that in mind, I put on my polite smile and waited for him to come and greet me. "Hello, Vice Admiral Garp, it's an-"

"You have an annoying face." He said while munching down on some cookies. And that was how I met Monkey D. Garp.

Still, I wasn't discouraged by this. "I see… anyway, Vice Admiral Garp, can I ask you something?"

He looked at me intently. "You really have an annoying face. I think it's that fake smile that just makes me wanna punch it."

Well… this was harder than I thought.


Germa 66 is a Royal Family and the arrogant kind. So they won't give the 'honor' of being personally with him when Max is just a Marine Captain.

HolyJokercreators' thoughts
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