
I Am the Fire

Vulcan Nx was a craft that was built by Celinians when the Inter-World War between Celine and Earth was going on. It was built for the sole purpose of sneakily burning down the crops and vegetation of Earth during the war so as to spread hunger on Earth.

That was a very cheap tactic that Celine had used at that time, by depriving the enemy of basic necessities such as food. Because of that, Earth had faced shortages of food supplies for quite a few years. 

And Lieutenant Bowen still remembered that craft because he had taken down one of them. It was hard to locate where the craft was until it began spewing fire on the field.

"Vulcan Nx? But aren't they a bit old?" Amelia questioned the choice of Bowen because that model had not been in use since the war ended. 

Bowen was still standing at the door so he asked, "May I come inside first, Colonel? I had some things to discuss." 

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