
Wounded Giant Clinic 2

Upstairs was the same as the basement except a balcony was present at the end over looking the street.

This place can be my lab, workshop, and office away from home. All I have to do is build a runic door to this floor and only allow Certain people in.

All I need is a few lab benches, whatever forge mastering requires, and some space for a separate room for an office.

I intend for my knowledge to revolutionize medicine so an office will be necessary to organize my efforts.

Maybe some white paint and I can make some type of enamel to polish the floor and this place will be a state of the art.

Walking out to the balcony, the view of the street was great. I can likely hold guests here for any talks.

"Loki let's go to the roof top. I wanna see it," Sif said with excitement.

I grabbed her hand and smiled while leading her up.

(I failed to notice at the time that she was blushing a bit)

The rooftop patio was empty as well, aside from a few spotlike lamps on it. Those lamps were light lamps that helped plants grow. Basically they produce UV rays.

There was a small greenhouse taking up a 20x20 foot space (6.09 in metric) in the corner. The rest of the patio was empty.

I can likely use this space as a resource area or a patio area.

I can see runes against the patio edges which I'm assuming is to prevent intruders. Investigating further with diagnostics I see the ruin also prevents people from seeing inside.

People in this world are strong enough to hop building at high levels so this might be a concern.

Not only that, this building is one of the smaller ones on the main road.

Buildings here aren't necessarily very tall like in my past life but they are sometimes ten stories.

The auction house is a large auditorium for instance and is about that height.

"Okay Hilda, it's time for you to shine. I need to hire two workers. Someone to care for plants up here, ensure my things are in order on the second floor, and guide special customers. The second worker has to take care of accounting and run the books. They will handle purchases as well."

"I'll need to renovate this place nicely first so you have time before hiring them. Before then I need a furniture company and a construction company to help with the floor plan and some furniture I want to add," I said this shocking Hilda for a second.

Acting like a rich young man at times is fun.

[All on daddy's dime right?]

"Prince Loki, I will have the furniture and construction company here at noon. I can also take care of the plans for you if you already know exactly what you want". She said. While I was thinking to write down a sketch of the floor plan, she pointed something out.

"I would like to make you know that although your father said he was giving you a store and some funds to go along with it, please be aware that any extra costs your father spends will have to be covered by you in the future.

Well fuck. Aren't I a five year old and I'm supposed to get whatever I want.

[he gave that same five year old a store, I think we threw that notion out the window]

Yes yes, taxes and fees. It's like ordering on a specific jungle website a 5 dollar item and paying 20 dollars in shipping.

"That is perfectly fine Hilda, this store will likely pay back its costs very soon. Although I'll only be here on weekends, I'll make enough merchandise to hold over the week".

Hilda was confused for a moment. I guess it it because besides bandaids and poultices, most druid alchemical recipes are usually lifestyle medications. Potions that deal with demon beasts like a repellant, enhancing your body temporarily with a type of stimulant, or certain home remedies. These aren't really new for the country and any store can easily have it. The Life force potion is frankly a revolutionary breakthrough but, sometimes those potions aren't the solution to every treatment.

Most apothecaries can take care of that. Usually the Druids that make the most profit are the ones that use their Life school magic to fix any problems.

I see the Life school as a surgical application. Usually druids that charge for this service are extremely expensive. There's no Health insurance here and druid Magic is fairly easy to acquire so the prices here aren't insane but they still aren't cheap.

I intend to produce treatments for those afflictions that require none of that, at a relatively cheaper price, and that don't require my presence.

I then took out a blank book from my bag and a ink like pen. I walked down to the desk downstairs.

I organized a floor plan on the first floor with the pharmacy blocking off the stair well. Ailed of sorts to hold medicines behind the desk. I made the back room with a long cabinet running along the back of the patient room. A center bed.

The second floor I have decided to have a long hallway starting from the stair well leading to about the center of the room into a larger hallway leading to the balcony. The stair well opens up on top of the patient room so doing this won't take up too much space.

The room to the right side of that large hall way I'm leaving empty until I figure out how to properly set up a lab and forge area. The left side is gonna have my office, the managers office, a small kitchen and dinning room.

All these rooms have the same width of about 10 feet. The hall has a width of 10 feet leaving the 20 feet of width for the lab. The entire lab being 50 feet long for plenty of crazy excitements.

The top floor I've kept as is. As for decorations, I've decided to try and keep it more modern. I gave Hilda specific instructions. Glass wherever possible on the first floor, either simply carved wood for the tables and desks or polished stone. Tiled floors and chairs made of lacquered wood, instructions I left of course in the notes.

Everything else I left to her tastes.

"Young master, these instructions are enough, but there is something you left out," Hilda said looking over the instructions.

"You left out what to call the store for the sign outside".

I thought for a moment then looked at her with a with a smile, "Wounded Titan Clinic".


That afternoon was a bit more exciting. We each traveled separately with one guard. I was covered up with a hood and mask, making me seem like a dwarf.

I walked around book stores looking for new lightning manuals or any information I can find. I was also looking for books on forgemastering with no luck.

Any book that describes it usually does it in passing. As I was walking between aisles in a library, I had accidentally walked into a larger fellow.

He, like me was also covered up. When I bumped into him I actually got scared for moment. The last time someone bumped into me I traded lives with someone.

[If I remember correctly, I bumped into you]

The man looked at me knocked on the floor and I can hear him laughing.

"Whoa there little brother, you have to keep your head out of the clouds when walking", he said as he grabbed me with a hand larger than even my fathers.

"What has you so distracted"?

I looked up to him. At this point I'm around 4 feet tall. This guy is towering over me at like 7 feet.

"I'm thinking about forgemastering. No book here describes anything about it and I'm interested in learning," I said while hurting my neck.

He tilted his head in a confused manner but then responded, "You won't find anything about it here. Didn't your father or mother tell you that we Dwarves keep forgemastering a secret. No written records exist except in the blacksmithing guild. We all share everything by word of mouth. You should ask your neighbors to have you join the blacksmith organization later if you want to learn".

I didn't miss where he said we.

"I'm not a dwarf though so that'll be slightly difficult. I guess I'll have to figure it out tomorrow", I said sighing.

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