
Shops and Valkyries

I spent that afternoon first guiding Sif to the beginnings of being a druid like my mother taught me and watched Nix's form with a spear to figure out a training plan for all of us.

Sif actually loved the idea of being a druid. She loved being close to nature and talking to animals. She had even already learned nature's language. I intended on having her unlock her affinities soon. She will be an excellent lab assistant and nurse after I train her.

Nix on the other hand had expertise in spears, Short swords/ long daggers and a bow.

Besides the spear, I have very little expertise in wielding those weapons and little experience combating them, especially the bow.

I intended to spar with him using only the penetration class weapons like spears, Knives, daggers, and claws. Claws and daggers being some of the only weapons besides swords that can be used like a blade and a piercing weapon.

I am no doing this to hopefully understand piercing weapons more.

That night was uneventful with me ending my night on the balcony relaxed with my iced tea with Alfred. Muninn is scouting the inner city for tomorrow.

I intend to explore tomorrow more tomorrow with the kids. I want to see what all the shops have to offer while looking at the spot set for my clinic.

Muninn saw many things that night. I saw a fancy brewing company called Aegir's Sea brews. There's no question as to who it belongs to.

I saw a type of arena. It was small scale like a soccer field. I can see a ticketing booth and a gate to moderate people. The field looked to be mutable as in able to be changed into any environment using runes. It clearly belonged to Ullr. He's the master of games and sports.

I saw a shipping company called Njord's Shipping and Sailing. Clearly a transportation and delivery service handled by the old fossil.

A court room, giving out a resplendent light. I can guess who spends most of his time there.

Hunting services headed by Skadi.

A restaurant opened by Heimdall.

A bards college where Bragi occasionally speaks and sponsers.

All the elders had their own business. And most of them were located on main street. Clearly they all get some form of income from their hobbies.

I am going to begin the process of becoming a business mogul like my elders before me!

[You are likely to spend all your money on research than spend it on nice things]

I am a prince in captive. I'm practically pelted with nice luxuries all day long.

[You are still avoiding Hilda.]

And she will never find me. She wants to begin my etiquette training ASAP, but I think other wise. I can't be trained to call people differently based on their station when I lived in a society based on equality. I care even less so of how people perceive me. I am named after Loki the God of mischief after all.

[Don't you at least want to learn manners]

I didn't learn them in my past life because the less time I spent worrying about manners, the more time I could spend doing more things. In this life, the royal family isn't really above anyone. The only thing I tried taking from etiquette were proper language and eating manners.

[At least ball room dancing]

There's no ballroom dancing in Asgard much less anywhere else.

[How about walking in form]

Everyone here has proper posture due to always being active. I'm also five.

[you always have an answer for everything. Just admit your just lazy]

Okay, I'm lazy. Still not doing it.

[I choose you Hilda!]

Knock.. knock

I had a foreboding sensation.

"Your majesty may I enter?" A voice said.

I nodded to Alfred who opened up the door for me with out me leaving my chair.

It was of course Hilda.

She walked in and stood in front of the chair I was sitting and bowed her head slightly.

She whispered, "Your majesty... I must apologize."

"I beg your pardon?", I said astounded.

"I apologize your majesty for attempting to smother you with etiquette", she said so loud that likely my father heard in the next room.

I was honestly flabbergasted. I almost thought the Goddess had descended and granted my wish. But then I realized she would never spoil her fun like that.

"Ummm... you are forgiven?" I said confused.

"I realize that you likely have too much on your plate and you are also not the type of child to follow societal etiquette. I just want you to be the best representation of her majesty", she said fervently.

HER majesty?

"I realize that I should take it a bit easier as events have shown me. I'll teach you proper etiquette in diplomacy and how to walk and talk in such negotiations. I will also instill in you the pride of being a royal and how to prepare to carry the will of the nation alongside your father".

There it is again. Will of the nation. I really don't understand what it means. Royals don't have that much political power. Is it a political matter? In any case, these things she could teach me are very useful.

I then asked, "Hilda, who is your queen and what does my mother have to do with them?"

"My Queen is the leader of the Valkyries and their the same person my prince", she said smiling.

My mother is the Queen of the Valkyries, why is this news to me?

Then I looked at Hilda astounded. "Wait Hilda, doesn't that mean you are a Valkyrie?"

"Why of course. Most of the Maids in this house are Valkyries sworn to protect the royal family and all their soldiers. Many of us are deployed where needed. My true name is Brynhilda, second in command of the Valkyries. Our leader is normally tends to our lady but currently is out on a mission. The rest of us come and go where needed," she said with pride.

I'm astounded I hadn't known this information. My mother basically had a secret service running errands for her this whole time. I ran a diagnostic on her to confirm what she was saying only to confirm that it was true. I had never bothered to run it on a maid.

"How has this been hidden from me this whole time?" I asked this dumb founded.

"Because everyone actively hides this information in secret so that no one knows who are your protectors. We have always been protecting you in secret. I am telling you this now because my Queen has designated you to be the next receiver of the King of the Valkyrie and because I will be your personal bodyguard as you traverse the city," she said all this with her head bowed.

How did I become the leader of the Valkyrie. Aren't I a man? I thought the leader was supposed to be some hot bombshell female warrior with wings on her back.

Last time I checked, although my man hood hadn't hit puberty yet, it was still there.

Speaking of which, for a five year old I am pretty lean. I'm not a chiseled body builder by any means or one of those freakishly ripped children in my old world. You can see the outlying abs and muscles all over my body though. I am technically being groomed for battle so super low body fat is not the ideal goal.

[Stop disguising the fact that you wrote about your penis unintentionally and you described it as small]


(It's still growing can confirm)

[whatever you say QUEEN of the Valkyries]


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