
Family Dinner

After a day of getting to know each other and trying to prevent Sif from wrecking Alfred with her curiosity, I got to know these two fairly well.

Nix is the responsible one. As a child of an Admiral and a fierce northern tigress, he's learned to hold his own on the ocean and in snowy environments. He practically was brought up in these environments.

It's no surprise that when they tested him for his affinity recently, he has dual affinities of Wind and water.

He has the parent elements of my ice affinity so he will at some point learn snow and ice abilities.

He's a pure warrior as well so it's not like he will be casting spells.

He's dutiful, but I sometimes feel he has a lot of weight on his shoulder. He he's a duty to his parents to uphold the army while also being worthy to carry his fathers name. It's got to be tough.

Sif is a different story. See Ullr has a son as well but decided to send Sif instead when he figured she can get the most benefits out of me. She has not figured out her affinities but, she has the gift to speak to nature so she likely has nature affinity.

Ullr, Aegir, and Skadi made a decision that I will train these two kids while those three with their busy schedules will split the time to train Ullr's son to inherit his name.

I'm basically taking their load off because like it or not Sif is a bit of a handful right now.

Sif is still young and fairly curious about the world around her which gets her into trouble from time to time. She's only four so she will eventually learn self control but for now, she's basically terror on wheels.

Ullr told Nix she just needs some good discipline and it'll all be good.

Easier said than done.

The whole day while giving them a tour of the palace, she almost broke a statue, cut herself on a decorative axe, and knocked over a painting. Alfred had to restrain her several times.

By the time we got to dinner I was exhausted.


Dinner was more lively than usual. Five chairs were put around the wood ornate dinning table in the royal dinning hall. My family and my two new burdens were happily chatting with each other.

My father was particularly interested in the sailing techniques Nix knew, while my mother clearly wanted a daughter. She was entertaining all of Sif's curious thoughts while Sif was remarkably obedient.

This gave me another thought. What if I figure out a way to give my parents a second kid. the problem the previous occupation of this body had was confusing to me until I understood a little bit on how the soul worked.

The problem my parents are having when procreating is that the fetus can not take both bloodlines. This is well documented, but we know its possible to have a child. I am proof of that. Therefore this problem goes beyond biological, but has to do with the soul because the fetus' body was still viable while his soul was not.

I would have to open a clinic to have an excuse to look at patients. That's the only way I would find a way to observe and figure out the actual problem. I would also have to invest in new Alchemy tools when I get the chance to have any chance of fixing this soon.

With that thought Hilda and the maids brought tables of a lamb like meat and a red meat.

This world has similar animals as my last world with some remarkable differences. Regular animals are still showing Similar characteristics to the same classes as Earth. Basically mammals are still mammals and reptiles are reptiles.

Differences include small adaptations. Cows in this world are a lot more hair in order to deal with the climate and have different adaptations suited for it. Although it's called another name here. In my head it's a cow cause of the utter.

But the real crazy difference here is evolved beasts as I call it. Originally I was assuming that the animals in this world shared a common ancestor with earth's but then I saw evolved beasts as I've taken to calling them.

Everyone knows them as demon beasts. They seem to have developed the ability to somewhat control mana to reinforce their body. It makes them more violent and territorial.

Sound similar? Apparently, warrior training was based around this concept.

Muninn belongs to this category of animal. Some beasts have further evolved certain abilities because of the use of mana and evolution joining hand in hand.

What proof do I have of this being evolution? None besides the observations Muninn has made therefore it's a tentative check mark in my discovery journal until I can actually study it.

My father at this point saw me lost in my thoughts and talked to me to bring me out of it.

"Son your master has been selected by the Dwarves and will arrive here in two days. Therefore you will start your warrior training tomorrow with Brother Vili and have a free day the day after. I realize you were supposed to train today, but I had already let you know in your stead that you would be busy today," he said while looking at my new companions.

How is my new master taking so much time? There are magic portal stones in every city to provide quick transport. Although it can't transport cargo and only about enough space of one person, a dwarf should easily be able to move with it.

With that thought I ask, "Who is my new master"?

"Your new master is very well renown amongst the dwarves. He is one of the Cardinal guardians, master of Ice, and one of the ancient rank 6 forgemasters. His name is Nordri. He guards the northern cities of the dwarves for what may lie below," my father said while grandstanding.

Below? Rank 6? this guy is older than most of the old fossils! The dwarves really went all out to teach me. If the Dwarves have Rank 6's then we must as well.

"Father, how many Rank 6's are there in the tribe?" I looked to him.

He looked serious for a moment then said, "We have six of them. You actually have already met four of them."

Don't tell me. I made a face.

"Yes its the four Cardinal Generals," my father said. This caused Sif and Nix to smile. "The Central General and your Grandfather constitute the other two."

I was about to ask about my grandfather, but my father read my mind and said, "your grandfather is the strongest of them and usually doesn't take part in worldly affairs. He will only appear should the tribe be in danger."

I then looked to my mother. "Mom, are your parents as strong as dads?"

They both looked awkwardly at each other for a few seconds. My mother then responded, "Individually no. Your grandparents on my side of the family are both weaker than your Grandfather Buri, but their are two of them instead of one so its unclear having not witnessed them fighting who is stronger".

I get the feeling I am entering a dangerous topic of conversation so I redirect it toward the kids. "Wow Sif, your dad is very strong", I said looking at Sif who was distracted with the green veggies in front of her.. Sigh, even in this world, kids don't like vegetables.

She came to and responded, "He is the Strongest! that's why he left Aunt Skadi for my mom"

Whoa that's something I didn't know.. Man innocence Is bliss.

[If Sif was older this would be a lot less funny but right now this is hilarious considering Skadi's kid is right here.]

Nix spit out his water all over Sif.

I started dying of laughter followed by my father. my mother kindly got out of her chair and helped clean Sif up.

Nix is profusely apologizing. I really can't help but smile

Looks like my family got a bit bigger.

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