
Trial of Might

Some might wonder how a simple spar become a large event in the castle where the most powerful people in the land come to watch me.

It'll come to a surprise to most that this event wasn't intentional nor planned. Even my father did not expect events to spiral in this manner.

Uncle Vili gave a push in the right direction though.

A trial of might is supposed to be completed around fifth-teen. Each warrior is challenged by a superior to demonstrate what they've learned. Should they pass, they are officially eligible for missions and are considered men of the tribe.

The trial of valor proves your worthiness to be trained while the trial of might proved your readiness for combat. This is the tradition handed down from ancient times.

As a Prince and now technically part of the tribes military forces, my only superior is an elder or father so only one of them could test me.

Most warriors are already deep in rank 2 and have a good mastery of their weapons when they take on the trial.

This trial is placed before me early. One might think that my uncle is trying to ruin my reputation which is more important now than ever, but he's not and I know it.

No matter what I do, people want to see me fail. If I fail or die, hostilities will occur again. Me passing the trial of will so early is an almost impossible feet. Many will see it as a result of my raw talent nothing more. Others will reinforce their thoughts to kill me.

By also passing the trial of might early, it will demonstrate that I already have the ability to defend myself, and at the same time shutting up any naysayers.

The only reason Uncle Vili came up with the idea to do something like this can only be attributed to one thing. He thinks I can win.

Obviously a rank 1 vs a rank 4 warrior would be completely unfair. But in a trial of might, everything is equal. Mana use, strength level, and terrain are all fair.

The only thing setting us apart is experience which is the reason I have never won a spar yet.

That's right my uncle is trusting in me to beat him when I never have before, no pressure.

Standing in the courtyard I was fully prepared. I stared at uncle Ivar 30 feet away from me. Between us stood elder Forseti. My father and the rest of the crowd had set up a stand not to far away.

As Elder Forseti was about to start the match I raised my hand to stop him for a moment.

"Yes Brother Loki", said Forseti.

I quickly looked at him and said, "Elder Forseti, this is a test of might and not intelligence correct?"

"Yes?", He responded with a confused face.

I then followed up, "And both of us have to start on even ground as well correct?"

"That is very true Brother Loki. Is there something we should know?" He questioned.

I nodded, but before he said anything else I quickly grabbed a knife from my belt and knocked it on a tree near the spot uncle Ivar was standing activating a wood log trap.

I then took another knife and threw it behind me causing a pit trap to appear.

"I need to apologize to you Elder Vili. I did not realize our spar was to be of equal opportunity". I said while bowing.

"Ha ha ha ha... Loki you are to innocent at times!" Said my uncle with a belly laugh.

"Wisdom can be strength as well. You'd do well to remember that. I fully expected for you to place traps all over the field coming into this spar knowing how devious you can be. It was my fault for not warning you about the terms of this trial," he explained in glee.

He's obviously covering his ass about turning this from a spar to a trial. Hopefully I can milk some benefits.

I looked over and saw all the elders also smiling. It seems like they were enjoying the show.

"Brother Loki, you have continued to show bravery even after your trial and I must commend you for that," said elder Forseti.

He continued his explanation, "I also must mention that even if you used those traps, I would not have penalized you. There's a saying that all is fair in war. We as warriors fight with honor when we can, but our enemies are not so kind; sometimes even forcing our hand. We are well aware of this fact, and don't shy away from it. Our tribe's strength is dictated by our ability to protect it, whatever the cost. Though we are not particularly good at coming up with schemes, we do a fine job recognizing them. A mind like yours, which I've heard, has a devious side to it is very welcomed to our circle".

"Brother Forseti, I would like to compensate Brother Loki's loss," he said clearly smiling.

These old foxes aren't that bad. My uncle is clearly trying to put me in a more favorable position. It also looks like Forseti is favoring me, due to the stark contrast in my age and expectations so far.

"You will settle this compensation amongst each other", Forseti announced.

Uncle Vili then looked at me and said "I will not use a weapon longer than my dagger."

He sheathed his sword and removed a spare dagger from his back.

This is a huge advantage because now our reach is more or less even due to our size.

I nodded to him and prepped a stance with my spear tip.

He flipped his dagger in his hand and gripped it pointing at me.

"Brothers prepare yourself anddddd fight," he said while moving backwards extremely fast.

Uncle Vili rushed forward but, I expected it. I knew a straight forward warrior would move like that. My left hand made some quick movements and threw a knife right at him. My right hand threw my spear up while reaching for my sword.

My most skilled weapon is the sword. Facing my uncle with it would be the smartest plan. It is likely what anyone whose seen me train before would think.

Vili dodged the knife by shifting his weight to the right and ducking slightly. As he dodged it, there was another knife that I had thrown in a hidden manner coming for his face.

He astoundingly bent as if he was doing limbo and slid under the knife. Most warriors who are the speedy type, practice flexibility for these kinds of movements. Even if their not flexible, quick dynamic movements are important to train.

As he was bent and looking up, he saw a Sharp point heading to him. My spear that I originally threw is heading toward him.

This is a trick I hadn't tried yet to ruin its drastic effect.

[Its also because you hadn't mastered it yet]

Moving too fast to pay attention to the log, I closed the distance between us.

The spear landed right in front of him just missing. He stopped just before the spear. He rose up only to see me come up right in front of him with my blade prepared to strike. He then grabbed the spear plunged into the ground and tilted it in front of him.

My eyes glowed as he pulled the spear up with his left hand in defense. I then proceeded to continue to swing.

My blade swung right through the spear base breaking it in half, shocking Ivar.

My swing was completed and was about to follow through until a strong arm grabbed my wrist.

"This trial has been decided," said Elder Farseti.

He looked to Uncle Ivar and asked, "have you witnessed his strength?"

Uncle Vili was still coming out of a stupor of what just occurred, and looked at me trying to process what happened.

He then came to, and looked down to see a small cut under his left ribs. He then started smiling.

I had won!

I have completely edited the plot and really tried to clean up typos in the first 13 chapters. You shouldn’t see anymore changes except maybe the opening exposition because I still don’t feel comfortable with it. Ill let you know when I complete the rest up to 20 and if any changes occur to chapter 1.

Im starting regular release today. Thank you for being patient.

HypnosCreationscreators' thoughts
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