

Leonel walked around in silence, observing everything he could as though he was building a rolodex in his mind. When he felt that he had reached the end of what he could observe, he shook his head. 

This really was going to be quite difficult. The fog ahead of him, in a figurative sense, was truly tough to see through. 

Figuring out how to take this next step of his was going to be difficult, especially since he didn't want to give up certain things. 

Shedding the complexity of his Spear Force and Bow Force, or even dulling its edge a bit, would be hugely beneficial to a breakthrough. 

For example, if he stopped them from being so overbearing and forced them to be more accepting, they would weaken, but it would also make a breakthrough simpler. 

Or in a more tangible aspect, if he reduced their control over Time Force, that was an easy, surefire way to lessen the troubles he would have to face in a breakthrough. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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