

Minerva had been stuck in a perpetual state of battle for over a year now. She had slayed Gods and waded through rivers of blood. At this point, the sight of her own blood was like the air she breathed and the food she ate. It fuelled her, making her body stand at attention and her hair flow wildly in the air. 

At that moment, she released a delicate roar as Leonel unleashed another arrow. 

Her sword formation exploded and suddenly several more golden feathers came from her sword. 

In fact, just saying that they were just several more didn't do the gorgeous scene justice. 

It was as though thousands of golden-winged angels had fluttered their wings, spare feathers falling down from the skies like a touch of a golden sun's dew. 

Nine sets of 108 golden feathers bloomed in the skies, each one forming a formation of their own before coming together to form an enormous magic circle of twinkling feather swords. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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