

He vaguely knew what this feeling was. It was anxiety, an emotion that, quite frankly, he rarely felt. 

He didn't feel it when he first stepped onto a battlefield, he didn't feel it when he was thrust into the Dimensional Verse for the first time, he didn't even feel it when half a dozen Races invaded the Human Domain with thoughts of murder. 

In fact, when he entered his first Sub-Dimensional Zone, he never feared the Mayans. His thoughts were entirely consumed by the guilt of killing. He never really feared the event itself. He hadn't even hesitated to jump into that unknown Zone on his own. 

Now, though, it seemed he actually had to deal with those emotions. And quite frankly… he found it to be highly annoying. 

He took a few moments to calm his thoughts and exhale a few breaths. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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