
Overlord Veiga

A silence fell, but Avan could tell with a single glance that none of these people had taken anything he had said seriously. And yet, instead of becoming more enraged, his lip curled into a sneer, a reaction that caught them off guard. They showed much more of a reaction to this than they had to anything else. 

"King is dead."

The words hung in the air, and then suddenly rushed through them all at once. 

"What?" Overlord Lela asked with a frown. 

"Did I stutter, dumb woman? King is dead."

"Explain." Lela said coldly. 

"I was contacted a week ago with this information."

"And why are you only telling us about this now?"

"Because I both wanted to see your stupid faces and understand what the fall out of that matter is. Also, in case you've forgotten, the head of the Commanding Faction is me, not you. When I'm contacted with information, it's up to me how it's divulged."


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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