
Undefeatable Position

Leonel looked at them and he could see that they didn't understand. Or, maybe they did and they just didn't understand how far it could go. Sure, Seventh Dimensional existences would be the backbone of any powerful army, but how many of them could Leonel use it on at once? And let's say that he could use it on an infinite number and practically cripple their battle strength, what good was it against Ancestors?

Even if the Morales wiped the floor with every Seventh Dimensional expert the others could throw at them, when their Ancestors were all defeated beneath the sheer numbers they would be forced to face, what good would it do?

Once all the Morales Ancestors were dead, the Ancestors of the opposing families would just turn their attention toward them and then what? They would all be massacred to the last man. No amount of advantages and help would close the gap between the Seventh and Eighth Dimensions.


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