
Running Out



A hand clasped onto the side of a platform. Its fingernails bent and twisted, its tendons and ligaments rising like roaring veins that just might pop out at any moment. 

Leonel pushed with all his might, the fear coming in waves. He had already reached his limits, the size of his body having been pushed beyond even the realms of reason. He stood several kilometers tall and even this was only just barely enough to catch the ledge of the platform. 

Withstanding the barrage of thoughts of inadequacy, of giving up, of being unworthy, all while trying to climb to the very peak was difficult, too difficult even to put into words. 

Even though he could feel the ledge, even though he knew well that he was just a single great push away from climbing to its peak, it still felt like he was falling into an abyss, the clutches of devils and demons waiting for him below, fully prepared to swallow him up whole. 

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