

Lovira's expression darkened as she looked up. She had hoped that this could be dealt with without involving others, but it was quite clear that their movements would be monitored by anyone with a vested interest in winning. And, just as obviously, anyone who dared to so blatantly provoke them like this was yet another power that wouldn't lose out to the Endless Twilight Pavilion by much at all.

The Star Force Pavilion.

The Star Force Pavilion was famous for only accepting disciples with rare Star affinities. It could be said that outside powers that could be considered subsidiaries of the Great Families like the Sacred Light Pavilion Stophiar had been a part of, the Endless Twilight Pavilion, the Star Force Pavilion, and the Eternal Dream Pavilion were the very strongest.

All three were Fiend Class powers only below that of the Great Families, but truthfully, it was a bit inaccurate to see them like this.


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