

At that moment, hanging on the verge of life and death, a twin pair of swords ready to sever his head from his neck, Leonel was calmer than he had ever been. In fact, he was frighteningly so, to the point one would have thought that he was watching a movie play out before him rather than experiencing this himself. But, the difference was that even while watching a movie, an observer would have shown more of an expression than he did. 

In that instant, his irises flashed with a pair of golden-red Runes, his hidden Bronze Runes suddenly becoming lit ablaze as a crimson light raced across them and up his neck. 


This time, Leonel was certain. Even without being able to see its face, he knew for a fact that its expression had been warped in shock. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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