Almost the instant the voice came to an end the howls of beasts shook the skies, penetrating the dense fog in a way that their eyesight couldn't hope to.
The voice itself was clearly from Ossenna, but it was impossible to pinpoint where exactly she was. It was like she was trying to remind them all that she was paying attention to what was happening even if they couldn't set eyes on her.
Leonel winced slightly, the loud howls threatening to burst his eardrums. The distance between them and the beasts shouldn't have been very close. He had already entered the forest once and they were all quite dispersed and he hadn't run into any packs, likely because the nature of Cursed Beasts didn't really allow them to work together. But, for their roars to be so loud despite the distance, Leonel's heart couldn't help but skip a beat when he thought about just how powerful they had to be.
'We need to move. Now.'
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: