

If EarthX1 were to be described in a single word, it would be: Wet. 

It felt like a light drizzle was perpetually falling from the skies and the thick canopy of rain forests were so wide ranging that it felt that every piece of land was covered in lush greenery. During the rare times of the day where this rain would stop, the sky would be filled with a beautiful bluish light violet color that radiated life and vitality. 

EarthX1 didn't have any oceans, but what it did have were large networks of rivers that crisscrossed about its surface in raging torrents. It had three main river channels that were easily 50 kilometers wide and had lengths in the thousands of kilometers. All of the river networks found life from these three, filling the planet with a rich vitality. 

Due to this ecosystem of rivers, EarthX1 only had freshwater systems. In addition, all of its soil was perfectly irrigated leading to the richness of its vegetation and greenery. 


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