

The aura washed through the streets. The spectators felt as though their hearts were suddenly caught in their throats and the two guards, Xander and Rio, caught in the line of fire, almost wanted to prostrate themselves to the ground. 

Everyone seemed to look toward Leonel who must have been feeling the brunt of it. Some had expressions of subterfuge, others pity, and others were just focused on staying out of it, not wanting to get dragged into this mess. 

However, what no one expected was for Leonel to suddenly look back and gaze toward the older woman who had yelled at him as though he was seeing a savior. 

"Ah! You finally came! I really need your help!"

Leonel dashed to stand before the woman, ignoring the beautiful Lady Anya and Little White. Among the two of them, though, it seemed that Little White was the most dissatisfied with Leonel's 'departure', as she was very much enjoying being pet. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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