

A blinding silver light tore through the forest. It curved in an elegant arc, snaking past the thick trunk of several ancient trees as though a god had personally come down and drawn a line through the forest. 

It appeared amidst the fighting group in an instant. The number who even noticed its appearance were too few. But by the end, everyone saw the result. 



It was as though some mysterious force had ripped the Titan out of the air. The arrow was far too fast to spot. To an outside observer, it really did seem like an invisible force had torn it away from its original flight path. 


The Titan Hyena smashed against a tree in the distance, its body hanging limply as though a stuffed animal. It hung pinned to the thick tree, its eyes steadily growing vacant amidst its whimpers. 

At that moment, there wasn't a single person who wasn't shocked by the sudden change. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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