

"Cap, who's this?" 

Seeing that the situation was much better than they originally thought it would be, the guys somewhat relaxed. Now that their faculties were somewhat freer to think of other things, they finally noticed a silent figure sitting on the snowy roof of the collapsed building. 

It was quite obvious that she was a woman. However, from the glimpses of her face they had seen, they didn't recognize her. Even if they ignored the scars, they didn't remember ever seeing such a woman before. 

Compared to the past, the inflammation of Aina's scars had lessened by a large margin. So, while they still felt that this figure they didn't recognize wasn't very attractive and was quite pitiable, they didn't feel the same deep revulsion the people of Terrain had felt. 

Still, many of them were still inwardly sighing a breath of relief. Did this mean that their Captain had finally moved on from Aina? 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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