
Chapter 27

And if you use your brains, you can come to the conclusion that the good old saying may be at work here: "Why invent a bicycle if it was invented before you ?!"

And the truth! Justice League - sounds proud and confident. And those "monsters" that lived there are quite an interesting contingent: Batman, Superment, Flash, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Martian Hunter, Green Lantern, Aquaman and Cyborg. It seems like a golden line-up that has been repeated in all films, TV series, cartoons and comics. From time to time there were added, as it were, to the "first line-up" of the Eagle, Black Canary, Atom and, it seems, the Hawk-Man. And this is not counting the rest of the "Ligovtsy" after the addition. And there were a lot of them, more than two hundred for sure.

By the way, such a scale will be difficult to pull off. Previously, there were some attempts to rally the heroes into one team. But these were such "regional" attempts. The same OCA - the Organization of Superheroes of America, which operated during the Second World War and in a couple of subsequent decades after its end. And again it was governmental. It was the US government that dissolved it.

So the drug is needed by humanity, but in the edited version of my beloved. And here Betts will help me. If he has not yet begun to think about such a project, then at least he is already hatching some thoughts about this. And I will help him correct them. After all, he is the actual creator of the league. And Sups was her main symbol.

Secondly, the question arises of what to do with the "problems" of the modern world. This I mean s-bitch politicians and the same dangerous freaks with whom our superheroes are fighting. First they talk to them on the topic: "Ay-ya-yay, you can't do that." Where they run from. And everything is repeated again. Sometimes it seems to me that all the participants in the conflict have a memory like a fish, only for three seconds is enough. Therefore, here I will go over the brains of everyone with this topic.

And besides, it will be necessary to decide something already with the "Ligovtsy" in terms of teamwork. During Darkseid's assault on Earth, neither they nor the Earth governments were prepared for such a thing. They were strangers to each other. And I also have to fix this. This is at least partially doable. Betts, Black Canary, Arrow and Flash will be able to agree to work together and help each other. Well, and Diana, if I establish normal relations with Temiskira and can get her to the mainland early to introduce her to the staff there. But Hal Jordan and Clark Kent, aka Green Lantern and Superman, have a big Ego. Although in the sups, this is due to its strength and "invincibility." Therefore, he believes that he is the most right of all. And he is partly right, of course, but painfully goes too far in his pathos. However, I think Betts and I will lower it from the sky to the Earth.

And thirdly, the powers and skills of superheroes can be applied in a more peaceful environment. The same Superman would be a wonderful doctor if he had the desire. But it is difficult to judge him. Yet everyone chooses their own vocation. You can't be cute as they say. He wants to be a reporter, even if. But I think maybe it will turn out to shove two of his cousins ​​there, into medicine. Kara from this universe, and more busty judging by the comics, from the other, they may well do this. Or simply into science. They have not a brain, but a supercomputer. And this is just the Elov family to take into circulation. And Wayne and Quinn's connections and money? By the way, they are also quite good scientists. At least in engineering they understand a lot. They would be directed in the right direction and on many important issues they could do more than in their suits.

In general, the work is not an open edge.

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