
The Tiger Collapses

The tiger's retaliation came swiftly and furiously. The black lightning was still shocking its body and making it hard to move, but with Greenie off its back, it was able to get up from the ground and attack Beast who gave it his all to dodge the attacks while still in his fused form.

The trio of Beast, Reign, and Greenie were the only ones that could continue fighting against the monster at this moment. Shadow was preparing to use his ability once more in order to stop the tiger, but that was the most he would be able to do. He felt bad as he did the least during the battle, all of his attempts at injuring the tiger were thwarted by the monster, but at least he managed to set up a couple of attacks for Reign and the others.

"Shit." Reign coughed out some blood as he got back on his feet, his injury was not critical, but it wasn't a small one either. His armor was penetrated by the red beam and one could even see two of his ribs from the wound he had gotten.

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