
God: 9

Morning came with the rising sun and fresh air.

Charles and his family members didn't sleep all night and it can be seen from their eyes. William was explaining all the things to Charles and his family members.

He even said about Victor being the son of Victoria of a pure breed vampire noble family and his relationship with Victor. Charles family now know why Victor maintained a distance from them before.

Its because Victor who seems not to care about anyone, actually suffered more after Meng Yi's death. After that, he maintained a certain or always feared establishing any relationships that may hurt him in future.

Anna who heard all about Victor last night was looking towards Victor who went outside the mansion towards the agricultural land through the window on the second floor. Anna's eyes were looking at the back of Victor who seems to be lonely in his own world. Victor who felt that someone was looking at him turned back saw the Rose looking at him and the morning sun reflecting her beautiful face. Victor found it to be charming and smiled towards her. He thought "How women can be this beautiful?". Not thinking about that anymore he walked through the agricultural field thinking about what will breakfast today. "Maybe I should try to grow peach trees in Williams new lands in New Jersey," Victor thought.

Victor (POV)

After having breakfast with Charles family, we left their mansion. William left 3 subordinates for Charles family safety. The 3 subordinates stayed there for a month before returning to William side. After that Charles family had no troubles. But for assurance, Victor left some shadow knights in their shadows for an emergency.

William was expanding his scale of business rapidly across the American continent. But his major income is from the ship transporting company. William also faced some threats from his competitors but they seemed to be disappeared like they never existed.

Although, the economy and infrastructure are developing every day. Peace is rare nowadays because of civil war and other things happening within the American continent.

Maybe because William was open toward Charles, they become good friends. With the help of William, Charles also expanding his textile business. Even he started a factory in Meng nation with help of William.

While Victor has finished building his factories and became one of the influential people in the industrial and business sector. Because of his future view and ideas in business he developing in a rapid phase. He is not afraid of losses, so he took risks all the time in investments in a new field. He even got some established relationships in the political fields for his companies benefits. I also decided to help William in his business activities and later found it be interesting to involve my focus in something. I also started to study about the business and I even went to work as a common employee in one of Williams factory to experience the life of workers. William never exposed my identity to workers to avoid getting attention and to avoid distracting me in my life.

Just like those 5 years went through and I have been working in different posts in Trident company for the average of 2 or 3 months for last 5 years.

It was a good experience for me to experience the life of normal people I forgot. I remembered my previous life every time I worked as a worker. In my last life, I didn't have big ambitions but lived my daily life in a simple way.

I even saw Abraham Lincoln once, and many famous peoples in the history of America. Now, trident company have grown into a multinational company with more than 100,000 employees around the world. For the last 5 years, new 60 branches have been established around the world. It also has a good reputation among people and Trident even established luxury product lines in clothing called Infinity and it is famous among women. To avoid future problems Infinity brand becomes a separate company with the new person as to its CEO but under the Trident company. William also started a Trident investment company for investing in ideas of other peoples. It will take years to make a profit though and William has enough time to wait.

A/N: CEO is a word that came into use after 1917.

Nowadays you can see Charles being busy with the wedding arrangements of his two daughters Rose (23-year-old) with 25-year-old Andrew Robin who is the son of Richard Robin and Anna (21-year-old) with 24-year-old Christopher Ritchson son of Alan Ritchson. Richards Nimoy is also a businessman and distant relative of Charles. While Ritchson is Mary's family relatives. These marriages were arranged between their family last year and decided to keep it in the same day. Both marriages are happening tomorrow. The wedding was going to be held in the mansion of Charles. Victor, William and Meng Tian are also invited to these marriages.

Next day

Victor, William and Meng Tian went there in the morning because it was held in the morning after 10 am. But something unexpected happened when the wedding was just 1 hour away. Anna's groom and his family members still haven't come. A word came from the groom's family 1 hour before the wedding ceremony. The groom has run away with his lover last night and still haven't been found. It seems the groom was forced into this marriage by his father for developing his business while establishing a marriage relationship with Charles family.

This news shocked Charles who was already waiting 2 hours for the groom's family arrival with fear. Charles felt sorry for his daughter. It will be bad for his daughter's reputation if the marriage is cancelled on the day of the wedding. He can only cry and he doesn't know what to say to her younger daughter. The Rose marriage can't be delayed because of Anna.

William was also so angry that he wanted to kill the groom if he saw him again. I can only sigh and grieve for Anna. She is an enthusiastic person and this will be a hit for her. I can only hate the groom if he has atleast told his decision to Charles this even could be avoided. Now Anna becomes a bride that has been abandoned on the day of the wedding for another woman. Her reputation is the biggest concerns in the 1800s. Even if she got married in future to a new family her status in the groom family will be low and it can't be expected to be good.

William followed Charles to see Anna to announce the cancellation of marriage. Every step Charles seems to increase a burden of guilt towards his daughter.

Victor decided to wait with Meng Tian for William and Charles to return after announcing it to Anna.

William and Charles who has entered the mansion only to see Anna in her wedding gown smiling and asked about Charles red eyes. Charles wanted to say the truth to his daughter, but he couldn't. Every time he wanted to say only tears came.

William standing beside Charles knowing what is going on with his friend made a decision. He went forward and said something to Anna that shocked everyone including Charles.



A/N: I said right I am not good at writing romance.

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