
Learning The Truth


"Uwaaah?! W-What is that thing?!" Surtr panicked. "A-A water spirit?!"

"I am the Primordial Goddess of Oceans and Time!" Aegir said while crossing her arms. "And I know you're holding it! My brother's fragment! Give it back now!"

"I-I don't understand what you're talking about…" Surtr was really scared.

"Hey, calm down, or I'm throwing your ring inside my inventory space." I said.

"E-Eh? But…" Aegir complained.

"Just sit down and talk like normal people for once." I facepalmed.

"Fine… But he better give it back!" She said angrily, sitting at the side of my daughters. "Ooh, food!" And she quickly started stuffing herself with giant dragon steaks.

"Anyways, she's… Well, she's right in what she said." I sighed. "Let's explain everything now that we're here. You girls, and Jamar too, should pay attention as well."

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