
Baddies Will Be Stomped By Benladra!


Benladra glanced the starry night with shiny eyes, as her little sister was munching a sandwich. Unlike Kate who seemed aloof, Benladra had a strange affixation with stars. Something that came with her when she was born in this world. She doesn't remember her previous life at all, but fragments of "desires" always remained within her soul, one of them was her wish to see the stars… and now that she was seeing them in such a beautiful splendor, she felt enchanted.

"Uwaah! Rose! Do you always see the stars like this? Sho prettyyyy!" Benladra said, Rose and Coral smiled a bit at her.

"Well yeah, once you see them for years, you kind of get used to it and never really find them anything special…" Rose sighed. "But yeah, I guess… I suppose they're quite pretty."

"So many stars…" Coral sighed.

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