
Might make right...

// I'm back! Sorry for the long break. I got a bit burnt out and needed some time of writing. I also found myself sink in all the games I had to play and Fanfictions I had yet to read.

Basically, my friend created a Minecraft server, and I went full focus and even built a 100 blocks high Statue of liberty out of Copper blocks, so for those who know, you understand how difficult it is to do something like this on survival mode XD I spent over five hours on just smelting the copper...

Then I also played the binding of Isaac, Fallout Equestria: Remains, and Pony Town, slowly regaining my inspiration. And I hope I'm finally back to writing.

But anyway hope you like this chapter and like always EEEENJOY!!


After the painful fall, Garble became noticeable grumpy, so it wasn't hard to imagine that he would explode on Spike realising how the other Dragons and ponies started to actually make fun of him...

"You think you're so great Spike!" He shouted poking him with his claw in anger as he leaned to match his height. "You might have received recognition but don't think you can make fun of me! I'm a Dragon! And you are just a kid who doesn't know his place!"

"You'd think a dragon knew better how to swim..." Scootaloo muttered on the side, before Apple Bloom stuffed her hoof into her mouth to silence her. It didn't help much thought as everycreature already heard her and they started to snicker infuriating Garble further.

"That's it!" He exclaimed standing up and moving towards the three fillies.

"I tolerated you because you were entertaining but I have enough! Let me show you why you Ponies fear Dragons!" He said in anger as his claws outstretched.

Just as he was about to jump on the three now scared fillies, Spike appeared in front of Garble and a green flame greeted the unsuspecting dragon on his face.

Spike could be seen standing in front of Garble with a scared yet firm and convicted expression.

"You won't touch them Garble! I...I won't let you!" He said as the three fillies looked at spike in new light. They thought that they loved him, but at that moment something in their emotions changed, as what might have been just a childhood infatuation became much more...

Twilight and the other two mares were now truly worried. They were about to stop the angry dragon teenager, but Starfall stopped them, instead opting to see how the young foursome was planning to get out of this situation.

They wouldn't learn anything if the adults saved them at every corner...

Garble rubbed his eyes and looked at Spike in annoyance. "You?! Don't make me laugh! You can't even save yourself! And your pathetic little flame wouldn't be able to scratch me even if you could burn a mountain! I'm a dragon! No normal fire can burn me!" He proclaimed arrogantly ready to rip Spike apart.

Spike didn't move from his position not wanting to let Garble touch his girls but his heart and mind were all racing.

What could he do!?

Suddenly something Garble said gave him a pause.

He looked at his girls and steeled himself. this wasn't going to be easy...

Starfall was about to step in seeing that there wasn't much the kids could do other than run, but suddenly his senses noticed a relatively large amount of magic converging inside of Spike...Was he...No...he wouldn't...

Suddenly Starfall opened his eyes wide.

'Damnit...I'm sorry for you Garble...' He thought before sending a telepathic message to the three disguised mares.

'You might want to look away girls... Spike is going to do something drastic and I can't really stop him now...'

'What do you...' Twilight wanted to ask, but just at this moment a torrent of green flames engulfed a smirking Garble, who's smirk instantly faltered as an excruciating scream of pain escaped his mouth. Everycreature shuddered in fright seeing as Garble's body burned down into nothing in a matter of second leaving no trace of a Dragon behind.

A silence fell in the area as everycreature stared at Spike in some level of horror and fear with the exception of the ponies who understood what happened or loved him too much to fear the little dragon...

"S-Spike...What...what did you do...?" Sweetie Belle cautiously approached the trembling and barely standing dragon...

"H-He said...that no normal fire could hurt him...so I... I thought to use the message Fire instead..."He whispered for the three fillies to hear.

They looked at Spike in sudden understanding.

"Then...Where did ya send him?" Apple Bloom asked but a sudden glint in Spike's eyes gave her all the answer she needed.

"Where else?...Onto the lava fall..." He sparred them a weak grin, his body completely exhausted from using so much magic fire for the first time...

Scootaloo burst out laughing hearing his answer before suddenly hugging and kissing the dragon in front of everyone. None of the teenage dragons said anything, as they had just witnessed their defacto leader being burned into nothing by the same young dragon that stood before them.

The situation was a bit different when it comes to the adult Ponies hiding in plain sight.

"That... Sweet Celestia! That was horrifying! Did Spike just...?" Rarity asked with a face full of shock but Twilight shook her head.

"He didn't kill him Rarity. That was his Messenger Fire. I knew that it should have been possible to send living beings using it, but it had never been tried... because of obvious reasons..." She muttered shuddering as her eyes swept the place where Garble had just disappeared amongst his bloodcurdling screams...

They noticed Scootaloo burst in laughter before kissing Spike in front of everyone.

"You go Scoots!" Cheered Rainbow Dash not that bothered by the entire situation, eliciting a look from the other two mares.

"What? Spike deserves it! He risked his life and saved the damsels from a dragon. I'd thought you of all ponies would get the point Rarity." Rainbow Dash said with a smirk as Rarity blushed...

"But...but..." Rarity tried to say something but found herself unable to argue. Spike really did deserve the recognition, and judging by the love filled eyes of Sweetie Belle, he was going to receive a plenty. She'd have to give her sister some serious talk soon. she didn't want to become an aunt before becoming a mother... At least not because of her younger sister...

"Fascinating...very different from phoenix travel yet similar in many aspects...If I could change a few parts, it shouldn't be impossible to give Spike a teleportation ability...A spell based on the principle shouldn't be far off either..." A mumble of Starfall could be heard from beside the dragon disguised trio.

Twilight looked in the direction when an indented ground indicated the spot where Starfall's hooves touched the ground.

"If we added a bit of 'relivio' and pain nullifying cluster...and mingled with the third rule of spatial alteration...*ouch*?!" Twilight slapped Starfall on the back of his head with her hoof that she stretched out of the costume.

"Focus Starfall! it's still not safe!" She chastised Starfall who woke up from his scientific blunder.

"Sorry Twily. Got a bit excited there with a new application of an old magic...If I could only make it lose the excruciating pain part, we could gain a very cost efficient transfer mag*ouch?!* Ok, ok, I'll stop now..." He said rubbing his invisible head with sheepish grin that nopony saw because of his aforementioned invisibility...


It took a while for Spike to reassure the other dragons that Garble was alright, but he still gained the respect of the group and none of them had any further problem with the foursome socialising among the teenagers.

They still feared Spike though, which only intensified upon finding a trembling Garble sitting in a corner beside the Lavafall and looking into space.

Spike managed to calm him a bit, but it was clear that the experience of being burned alive had impacted the fire proof teenager by a fair amount...

But the "might make right" mentality of the dragons actually made him less hostile to Spike afterwards, which after he calmed himself for the most part, lead to the positively friendly parting of the two groups, with Garble even shaking Spikes hand for showing him that it's not the size that makes a dragon.

Starfall was also positively surprised when spike invited Garble to Ponyville one of those days. And Garble considered the proposition.

"I never saw the pony towns up close, I wouldn't mind taking a look." He asked sounding genuinely interested as his eyes looked at the three fillies alongside Spike.

"As long as you don't burn and break stuff around, the Ponies would be happy to welcome you. Here. Maybe that can catch your fancy. Spike said taking out a bunch of treats out of his bag. The not magical kind.

Garble looked at the treats curiously before taking a bite. His eyes opened wide in surprise.

"Woah! That's delicious! Not as delicious as a gemstone mind you, but it's a welcome change. And you say the ponies have more of those?" He asked in interest.

"Oh yes. And I know for a fact that you could exchange a single gemstone for a bunch of those treats since ponies value their visual and magical aspects."Spike hinted to which Garble smiled at Spike.

"Thanks for the tip Spike. it was a long time since we visited the Ponies and it never usually end well." Garble said and Spoke nodded.

"Just remember, no harming Ponies or the town. That's a basic common knowledge that could land you in jail or banished if you violate it." Spike said but there was a hint of warning in his voce which reminded Garble of their previous fight.

"Haha, don't worry Spike. Despite how we look dragons do remember that Ponies aren't all helpless. Your princesses appear in quiet a few legends and we wouldn't offend a being strong enough to challenge the Dragon Lord." Garble said surprising spike and all the ponies with how reasonable he acted all of a sudden.

Spike and Twilight both felt very interested in asking about the Dragon Lord but it didn't feel like the right time to do so. So with the last smile they said their good-byes and went on their way.


"Let's play the Muffin roulette!" Scootaloo exclaimed excitedly as the three fillies and a dragon walked back towards Ponyville through the woods.

"Yeah! I want to get the grass muffin! It was soo good!" Sweetie Belle said while Apple Bloom snorted.

"Ha I bet ya it's going to be the nut cream!" The Apple Filly said, causing Sweetie Belle to grimace in disgust.

"Yuck, I don't understand how you can enjoy nut cream." She replied to which Scootaloo laughed.

"Your going to eat a lot of "Nut" Cream in the future Belle. Get used to it." She said in amusement while taking out a set of Muffins.

"What do you mean Scootaloo?" Asked Apple Bloom in confusion while Sweetie Belle blushed profusely.

"Ah, nothing...So we playing or what?" Asked Scootaloo with a wink to Sweetie Belle while Spike and Apple Bloom looked at eachother and shrugged.





They were deep into the game when Spike suddenly thought of something while looking at the colour changing muffin in his hands.

"Girls...Now that I think about it, Starfall told me that I should probably stay clear from Pinkie's magic Muffins..." He said remembering the conversation that completely slipped his mind in all this Commotion.

"Huh? Why would he say that?" Asked a confused Apple Bloom.

"Well, he said that they don't react well to dragon fire but didn't elaborate any further." Spike explained with a shrug.

The girls looked at him before also shrugging.

"So as long as you don't burn them then it's alright." Scootaloo dismissed it and everyone accepted her words restarting their game.

But just as Spike bit into his Muffin he realized his mistake as the muffin tasted like pepper...

"Ahh...Ah...*Achoo!*" He sneezed as a sizable wisp of flame engulfed the half eaten muffin...

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