
Luna Enters The Party!



It could have been better but I was writing it at 1AM so it is what it is ;) Hope you like it anyway!



"Starfall! You're here!" Exclaimed Luna the moment she spotted the unicorn entering her chamber, before running towards him and embracing him in a tight hug.

"Hahaha! Hey Luna. How's my favourite princess...of the night?" He said happily returning the hug.

Luna giggled and gave him a chaste kiss.

"I'm pretty good, thank you. And good save with that 'of the night' part *giggle* If Tia heard you calling me your favourite princess, we might find ourselves stuck on the moon together, haha!" She laughed and Starfall did the same.

"I'm sure she wouldn't go so far. A few years in the dungeon would totally suffice, haha!"Added Starfall and Luna laughed again for the absurdity of their conversation.

Only then did she realise that the two of them were still hugging by the entrance.

"Right! Silly me! Please come in! Would you like me to order you some refreshments? We have delicious uhh... Pineapples? Sorry I'm not really sure what types of food our cooks serve this days. I just know it's usually delicious Ehehe..." She laughed awkwardly. She was still getting used to this new era after her banishment, and all those new dishes and recipes were only one of the many things she needed to learn to catch up with the times...

"Haha. It's alright. I'm sure the cooks would know what to do. Don't worry, I'll be happy with anything you bring me." He winked at her as he sat on a large comfy sofa beside a fireplace.

Luna smiled appreciatively and rang one of the bells hanging by the doors, before plopping onto the sofa and scooting closer to Starfall so that she could enjoy his closeness...

"Soooo....Is there any particular reason you wanted to see me other than the obvious?" He asked after a minute of the two just enjoying eachother's presence.

"...Umm...Yeah...I-" She started but was interrupted by the knock on the doors.

"My Princess! The Maid with Refreshments arrived! Shall I let them in?!" Called out a guard pony from behind the Doors.

"No!... I-I mean I'll get them myself in a second!" Called back Luna suddenly embarrassed.

Starfall chuckled.

"What is this Luna? Are you embarrassed that somepony would see us together?" He asked playfully making her blush.

"N-no! It's just...Sorry...I don't know why I reacted like this. It's just...ehh...Let me get the treats and I'll explain what I wanted to tell you..." She said with a blush and stood up, before trotting towards the doors and soon returning with a few trays of treats, cakes, and other similar things...

The food was placed on the table and Luna sat on back on the sofa with a blush not looking at Starfall Making him look at her in amusement. She was behaving almost as shy as Fluttershy for some reason and he couldn't help but find it adorable.

Seeing as she wasn't doing anything he decided to have a little fun and his hoof soon closed on shoulder, slowly moving over hear beautiful blue coat down her back and towards her flanks causing her to neigh from surprise.

"Wha-What are you doing?..."She asked as his hoof started to slowly circle around her Cutie mark and making her blush and feel slightly aroused.

"I'm just caressing you lightly. Surely I can do that to my lovely girlfriend, right?" He asked with a wink and moved closer to her, making the technically thousands year old mare, shrink on herself, like a young girl in love in the presence of her crush.

"I...Ahh...we were supposed... to talk..." She tried to say with no real power I'm her words.

Starfall's hoof slowly closed on her Cutie Mark and a bit of magic imbued in said hoof caused the usually slightly more sensitive Cutie Mark to turn into a full blown erogenous zone.

"Ahh! Starfall!.. Nghh!..." Luna exclaimed upon experiencing the unexpected pleasure.

She hugged Starfall and trembled before looking into his eyes with the feeling of longing. That little trick almost made her cum on the spot and she wanted more, but she knew that if she allowed it to continue, she wouldn't be able to stop and nothing would be accomplished.

"Nnn...Cheater..." She pouted trying to take control of her body which involuntarily started to rub her marehood over his hind-leg that somehow landed under her flanks during her sudden brace of the unicorn.

"All's fair in love and war." He said with amusement before kissing her to which she couldn't not respond positively.

"Now what is that big thing you wanted to talk with me about?" He asked and Luna realized that all of this was Starfall's plan to get her back into the mood of talking.

She smiled, snuggling closer into the hug, licked his ear playfully, and whispered into it.

"I talked with Tia, and She agreed to let me stay with you..."

Starfall turned towards her with a start.

"Seriously?" She asked in shock and she nodded happily.

"This is great Luna! I'm so happy for you!" He hugged her tightly surprising her with his strength, before looking back at her but now with a worried expression.

"But what with your job as a Princess? Would Tia be alright without you?" He asked but Luna smiled making him relax.

"It's alright. I'm not really doing much as a Princess here, and most of what I do doesn't really require me to be anywhere near Canterlot as I'm the Princess of dreams..." She explained and Starfall realised that she was right. He originally wanted to create a spell to let Luna stay awake and refreshed even without sleep, so that she could have time for both her duties and life at Ponyville, but that still left a few problems which now with this situation would be much easier to take care of. He would still look for that spell as it would be mighty useful anyway, but now there was no reason to delay Luna's movement anymore. They will be able to spend much more time together in real life and he was extremely happy about that!

"This calls for a celebration! I heard there's a new release of Hooftial combat coming out next week. You wouldn't by chance have..." He asked, but seeing Luna's grin slowly widening he knew that she certainly had it already ready and installed in her game room.

before he realized what happened, he was dragged into the room with levitation surrounded by the trays of food. They won't be coming out of that room for a very long time it seems...


Luna and Starfall stood beside a carriage with Celestia looking at them with tears in her eyes.

"I'll miss you...s-so much Sister!" She hugged Luna and started to cry while Luna just hugged her awkwardly and looked at Starfall for help, but he just tried to keep himself from laughing.

"It's...uhh... alright Tia. I'm not leaving forever. And you can even see Ponyville from the Castle so it's not that far as well. We can see eachother whenever you feel like it..." Luna tried to reassure Celestia who was acting out of character for her usual CA and collected self.

"Y-You promise?" She asked and Luna just nodded with a smile causing Celestia to instantly regain her usual calm expression and hug Luna for the last time making the two suspect that she was acting just to pull a prank on the two of them.

"Then Ill take your word for it. Please take care of my sister Starfall." Celestia said with a smile turning to Starfall and he nodded.

"I will Tia. Don't worry." He replied.

"Good. There's no pony in this world I would trust more withy sister than you." She said before giving Starfall a hug of his own and urging the two of them into the carriage.

"Now go you two before I change my mind." She said playfully as the two ponies jumped into the carriage.

"See you soon Sister! I love you!" Called out Luna as the carriage raised into the air pulled by a pair of Pegasi guards.

"I love you too Sister! Oh Right! I'll send the rest of your things to Ponyville Soon!" Called back Celestia waving towards Luna and Starfall.

Starfall just smiled at the interaction of the two sisters. They acted so much different from the show and he actually realized that Celestia looked younger than the last time he visited which might have had something to do with Luna's new influence. Funny how an Alicorn's loved ones can influence said Alicorn to such a degree. Maybe that's the reason why there was no Twilight in Mlp-The New Generation...

He decided not to think about what would happen to an Alicorn when all his loved ones died and snuggled towards Luna.

This was a completely new chapter in her life and he wanted to make sure she was happy throughout its entirety...

Now just to figure out how to explain to Twilight that they would have a new flatmate from now on...

// Next chapters lemon ;) I always planed at least one of those for every girl in the herd and any future lemon would just be depending on my mood or if you request them which doesn't happen often haha! Some of you complained that there's too much lemon and the only thing I can say is, that there won't be as many from now on, as Luna Is the last one to join the herd from my original plans and while the plans had already expanded, there won't be any new girl joining for a good amount of time (although I don't trusty myself with that statement XD)

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