
Yet another Mc dying in the first chapter...


Yeah...so that happened... don't ask me why I wrote it XD it was just a spur of the moment idea that actually turned into something decent so here you go...



He was sitting in front of his computer and rewatching the last episode of My little Pony season nine, while listening to an amusing commentary of some random dude.

It was quiet a long time since he last watched My Little Pony, because the main show already ended. But he never lost his pride as a Brony!

Unlike many others, who he knew used to watch the show but were now in denial, He still had a soft spot for the colorful ponies with one of the best storylines and moral message amongst many modern cartoons.

It didn't bother him that it was a show for little girls, as anyone who saw it could tell you that the occasional topics about enslavement, implied violence, rainbow lasers and many others, are topics that doesn't belong in a show for little kids. (But we're not here to convince you to watch MLP. If you're here then you most likely already know all this stuff...)

He was a lonely kid in his childhood. The occasional friend he made, would usually leave him for other, more popular kids with a more charismatic personalities. When he first watched the show, he was already a teenager. He was quiet sceptical towards it, but it was always weird for him that so many boys liked this story, so he decided to try it out.

And try it out he did...

Only after a dozen chapters did he realize that he was already hooked up and couldn't wait to watch the next episode.

Years passed, and he could now proudly call himself a good for nothing, twenty year old brony...

And that's how he found himself rematching the episode that basically finished the story.

"Ha! Hahaha! I can never get tired of watching Cozy glow get Petrified! This is just so unlike anything that ever happened in this show! They basically killed a child Hahaha! I know that she can be freed from the stone, but you just need to throw a rock on it and a broken statue would be hard to resurrect!" Laughed the boy.

"Alright, it's time I do my homework or mom's gonna kill me..." He muttered after the episode ended. He could have still watched the final episode that closed the story but he didn't like it too much even if it was a really good episode in on itself. He just didn't like having this feeling that it was the definite End...


//Somewhere in another multiverse//

In a grand circular room with rows of comfy chairs descending towards the middle, a group of peculiar individuals had a serious discussion.

"Do we send another one? I feel like I'd like a change of pace." Said a black haired boy to the gathered crowd.

"Dunno. I feel like our group is becoming too big as of late. I think it would be alright if the next person wasn't one of 'them'. We just need to find the right person so that we could enjoy the show." Replied a boy with brown hair and a blue arrow tattoo emerging from under his bangs.

"Haha just don't let Toph, Lily or Katara catch you when you are watching the guy having 'fun'." Laughed another boy who wore a sweater with a pine tree sewn on the front.

"Ha! That also applies to your sister Kid! Don't think we don't know your relationship. We were watching everything you got up to with Mabel before you arrived here. Haha!" Added another.

"Ha! Who's a kid! And I never said that i was exempted, haha! But she doesn't really mind me watching this stuff as long as she sits beside me with my hand up her-"

"Alright! We get it! Now let's focus! Who do we send and where? I personally fell like doing a pony marathon. Who's with me?" Asked a boy with moon marks on his cheeks.

A chorus of voices agreed to the idea.

"Great! Now who do we chose?" He asked.

One of the boys present waved his hand and an image of a boy watching my little pony appeared in the center of the room.

"Ha! Perfect! But he feels just like us... Are you sure you didn't just found our another iteration just with another face?"

"Hehe..." the boy who brought up the image laughed awkwardly. "Does it really matter?" He asked shrugging.

The other boy shrugged with amusement.

"Not really. I don't feel like we would be inviting him to our club either way. It's already hard to keep in contact with all of you even when time is our bitch, Haha!" He laughed.

//A small crossover with my other fics. Don't worry, it's the last time they are mentioned. I was just curious who would figure it out ;) //


"Ha! It's finally done! So much useless information! I really don't get why I chose this specialization..." Muttered the boy as he walked out of the house to take in some fresh air after finishing his homework.

He went out to the garden and sat under a large decorative boulder placed at the top of a much smaller one.

He took out his phone and started to read some fanfictions to pass the time, and didn't realize that the small stone keeping the boulder in place moved to the side with no apparent reason.

When his mother returned home in the evening, she fell into a weird mix of despair and happiness on the sight of her son crushed under a giant Boulder, which was now broken in half, revealing that it was made out of gold.


//In another multiverse//

Everyone looked towards a boy who was responsible for the death of the target during todays session. He had a wry and awkward grin on his face.

"What?!... He's dead, alright?! And his family's now rich..."

A barrage of facepalms reverberated through the chamber.

"That was...the most ridiculous death since the squirrel stampede...You know that, right?" Said the boy with a pine tree sweater.

"Don't exaggerate Haha...ha..."

"Ugh...alright let's just proceed..." Muttered another one.


It was dark...Very dark...

And wet. It was a really weird feeling alright...

And despite all this, it was very warm and the fact that he couldn't breath, somehow didn't bother him...

He tried to make heads or tails of his situation, but the more he thought about, the more apparent it was that he was most likely dead...

He remembered the boulder crushing his body. There was no way to survive that situation. So that meant he must have died back then.

Why this situation didn't make him panic was yet another mystery, but for now, the most important question was... Where the hell was he right now?!

A few ideas came to mind. Hell. Heaven. Limbo. Tartarus, Hades etc. But neither of them felt right for what he was currently feeling.

Then another idea came to his mind, and it all started to make much more sense to him.

'Was I reincarnated? Am I in the womb?! That would really make sense I guess... With all this wetness, warmth and darkness.' He thought.

He tried to move his body, and to his elation, it actually worked.

His body felt funny if at all, as it was mostly numb all over, but he could tell that there was something quiet odd with it. He decided to worry about it later and first try to check his surroundings.

Just like he expected, an elastic membrane surrounded him from all sides, and when he tried to kick it open, the entire place shook as if it felt his kick and didn't like it.

'Whoops...Seems like i was right... Sorry 'new mom' ehehe...' He thought.

He tried to turn and look for the exit, wondering if he should try going out or wait for the right time, but when would that be? He couldn't tell so he decided to wait as long as his patience allowed him...




Alright that's enough! He got annoyed and tried to push at where he assumed the exit to be, and to his surprise, the walls started to shrink at a fast pace, pushing him out through the exit, as he tried to somehow help the proces which was not in any way pleasant...

"It's a boy! Congratulations Lady Pharma! How Are you going to name him?" Heard The boy from someone that was most like holding him now, even though he didn't feel any fingers on his body... He couldn't yet open his eyes, the merit of being a newborn but somehow his hearing felt even better that during his past time.

Suddenly, he realized that his head was getting heavy, and he felt as if he was forgetting about something...



...Breathing! He forgot to breath!

The boy took a deep breath just as the woman who he assumed to be his mother replied to the question.

"Ahh... Just look at him. His first breath in this wonderful world. I think I'd call him... Starfall. Starfall Blueblood. It has a nice ring to it." Said his Mother weakly.

The boy, now called Starfall had another opinion though.

'What the hell?! who names their child Starfall?! Am I missing something here?!' He tried to open his eyes forcefully and finally succeeded after a short struggle.

His vision was blurry but it was slowly improving, finally showing Starfall What was happening around him.

But when he finally registered the appearance of his mother and the nurse, only a single thought crossed his mind, before he bravely lost consciousness...

'They are ponies!'


When he woke up the next time, Starfall was already cleaned up and wrapped in a cozy white blanket. His new situation was still mighty shocking to him but at least he wasn't about to faint again. He wasn't even sure whether he fainted from shock or just exhaustion, as he felt much more energetic than after getting out of that wet hole...

He was a pony now! And not just a normal pony, but this magical sentient pony race from the my little pony show!...well at least that's the only idea he had. He was yet to find any proof saying otherwise after all.

Then it came his 'surname' If such a thing even existed in Equestria. His mother called him Starfall Blueblood! Blueblood! Does it mean that he is a prince now?! He needed to gather more information! with how he was currently, he couldn't even look at his body, so tightly was he wrapped in that blanket. The only reason he knew that his coat was white, was because he could see his muzzle in between his eyes.

'Now that i think about it, that nurse called my mother Lady Pharma. So if I'm not a prince then at least I'm a part of nobility. That's quiet great actually! It's certainly much better than for example being born at a rock farm... He had nothing against the Pie family, and even considered the daughters quiet adorable, but he had a problem with their poor, rock focused situation...

'Ugh... Focus! You don't even know if you are really in Equestria!' Thought Starfall.

His doubts though we're dispelled soon after, when the doors to the room opened, and inside came his mother in the company of a large pony with wings, long horn, wavy, multicolored mane and golden jewelry.

"So Where is that little tyke Phaphy? Oh! Look! Here he is!" Said The elated Alicorn, who Konrad easily recognized as Princess Celestia.

If that wasn't a proof of where he was, then he didn't know what was....Wait! Princes Celestia?!

Starfall opened his eyes in surprise, only now realizing that he was levitating right into the hoofs of the most powerful pony in Equestria.

"Careful Auntie! He is still weak after the delivery." Said Pharma worryingly.

She was a pretty, white coated unicorn with lime green mane and a noble worthy golden dress.

Celestia giggled as she picked up Starfall.

"You have nothing to worry dear Niece. He's not the first newborn I ever held in my hoofs after all. I clearly remember when you were a little filly in just the same situation as him, ahaha!" Laughed the princess lightly.

His mother blushed profusely.

"Right. Sometimes I forget how old you are Auntie." She said with a small smirk.

Celestia looked at her with amusement.

"My, my! To call your own Ruler old to her face. Aren't you worried."She said with a wink.

Starfall listened to his exchange with curiosity. Seems like he really belonged to the Blueblood family. And it appears as if Celestia considered them her close family even though they were already separated by over fifty generations or something... Wait... Are they? He still wasn't sure which year it is after all... It could very well be only 500 years since Luna's banishment or it's a completely different alternate dimensions...

He decided to just continue listening and to act as a colt of his age should behave. after all, he didn't want to prompt Celestia that he was smarter than he looked or something...

He interacted with the two mares for another twenty minutes, before Celestia left to continue her duties, and his mother decided that it was a fair time he received his first ever breastfeeding...

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