
Blushing Bride

Beom Seok, Do Hun and Jae Jin looked like they had swallowed lemon. Beom Seok knew that Sung Hoon wanted to get in his good books but this was too much! He'll be hearing about this for the rest of his life and his life is going to be long.

Do Hun and Jae Jin felt like they had lost in a race that hadn't even started. How could Sung Hoon blind sided them like that? He was already getting married to their crush and now he had won over Soo Min. 'Evil!' They both stared at him with a crossed look. 

Sung Hoon didn't care what the others thought. He just wanted Jinwoon to be happy and since the other was looking at him with a smile on his face. He knew that he had done well. "My Sung Hoon! You're too good!" 

Soo Min walked over and gave him a big hug. Sung Hoon was surprised by the hug but he hugged her back. "It's really nothing." Soo Min shook her head. "It's more than we deserved." She frowned when she let him go. "We can't repay you." 

"I don't want anything back. Sung Hoon waved his hands. Soo Min's face slowly turned into a big smile. "I'll cook you dinner for now." Sung Hoon smiled. "I have people for that." Soo Min stopped him from saying more. 

"Doesn't matter. Today I'll make dinner. Where is the kitchen." Sung Hoon gave up and walked her to the kitchen. A few hours later Min Soo together with Chan Min cooked up a feast. Soo Min had asked Sung Hoon if the servants could eat with them. Sung Hoon had agreed.

Before eating Soo Min stood up "I would like to thank My Sung... I mean the future king for the big gift. My husband and I will always be indebted to you. I wish you and your hus... wife a long and good life." Sung Hoon and Jinwoon's eyes grew big. 

Soo Min winked at them. "I might be old but not stupid." Do Hun and Jae Jin looked confused. "What? What did we miss." Beom Seok glared at them. "Shut up. Let's eat!" Soo Min laughed. "To the future King and his Queen!" The other repeated her words. 

They ate and laughed until late into the night. Since there wasn't much room in the house, Sung Hoon sent Beom Seok and the others to an empty residence near the throne room. Jinwoon went to bed with a full stomach and a warm feeling. 

"Where is Sung Joon?" Jinwoon was standing outside waiting for the carriage to send him to his wedding. "He's asked to stay at the former queen's house. You and the King will be newlyweds. He didn't want to spoil your fun." 

Hara gave Jinwoon a naughty smile. Jinwoon turned red before giving her a gentle push. "You're too much!" He wanted to say more but the carriage arrived. Jinwoon, together with Hara and Binna got inside. 

It was decided that Jinwoon would be with them the whole time. Nobody wanted a repeat from the last time. They arrived at the throne room very soon. Jinwoon and the others slowly walked up the stairs and arrived inside. 

The room was full with the Inner and Outer court. The crowing was simple and took about ten minutes. Jinwoon stood next to Sung Hoon while he was crowned. He made a speech about his late father and the future he had planned. 

After that, the Inner and Outer court left the throne room. "I'll see you soon." Sung Hoon was the first to leave. Five minutes later it was Jinwoon's turn. There were flower petals leading to the ceremony hall. Jinwoon couldn't get lost.

When he arrived, he saw the Inner court standing on the right side, while the Outer court was standing on the left side. Sung Hoon was standing on a platform with Young next to him. Binna and Hara led Jinwoon to the platform. 

Jinwoon saw Sung Joon, Beom Seok and the others standing close to the platform. He gave them a quick smile before looking at Sung Hoon. Young took both their hands and a white silk rope. Young put the rope around their wrist. 

"Repeat after me. We are becoming a couple. In health and sickness, I will love this person. I will respect that person. I will comfort this person. I will help this person. During my life, I will give my loyalty to them." 

Sung Hoon and Jinwoon repeated Young's words. With each word Young wrapped the rope in a complicated manner. The rope wasn't long but Jinwoon was amazed to see that Young could wrap it around without hurting them. 

After finishing the words, Young gave a short nod. "Bow to the Inner Court." Sung Hoon and Jinwoon turned to the left and bowed. "Now the Outer." Sung Hoon and Jinwoon did as they were told. "And now to me and the people behind me." They bowed for the last time.

"My King and My Queen." Young smiled at them. "This rope presents your union in front of everybody. The rope represents a blank slate from now on. It also symbolises a new beginning as husband and wife. May the rope never break."

Young pulled the rope off their hands. Jinwoon was amazed to see that the rope was connected in an infinity loop. The people watching started to cheer. Sung Hoon let out a deep breath. He turned to the other and saw his confused face.

"Sometimes the rope comes undone. Meaning that the wedding is a bad idea." Sung Hoon whispered. Jinwoon finally understood why everybody was cheering. "So we are married now?" Sung Hoon laughed and nodded.

"You are now husband and wife." Young smiled at them and handed Jinwoon the rope. "Keep it safe." He took a step back and Sung Joon and the others walked up. They all gave their congratulations.

Even Ki Ha, who was still angry at Sung Hoon, gave them his congratulations. Sung Hoon took Jinwoon by the hand and led him out the ceremony hall. There was a different carriage waiting for them. "Where are we going?" 

Sung Hoon was all smiles. "We are going to greet our subjects and then we'll go on our honeymoon." Jinwoon's cheeks turned red. 'I'm a married man now?!' Sung Hoon helped him in the carriage. They waved at the people in front of the ceremony hall. 

"Long live the king! Long live the queen. May you have a happy and long life and marriage." The people kept repeating those words. "Have a lot of babies!" Sung Hoon turned to see Ki Ha sticking his tongue at them. "Childish." He mumbled. 

They rode out of the palace and were stunned when the gates opened and they heard the cheering of the people outside. Jinwoon and Sung Hoon were staring with open mouths but after a few miles they started to wave back at the people. 

Hours later and they had left the capital but there were still people standing near the road waving and screaming congratulation. Sung Hoon and Jinwoon were moved. "Where are we going?" Sung Hoon gave him a mysterious smile. 

"You'll find out soon. We're nearly there." Jinwoon looked around but didn't recognise the place. The carriage took a side road and was engulfed by the trees. The place became quiet with only the noise of birds and the wind. 

Jinwoon's mouth dropped open when he looked around. It wasn't the wood he had arrived in but it did seem the same, especially with the many rainbow trees. Twenty minutes later the carriage stopped in front of a wooden cottage. 

It looked nothing like Sung Hoon's house at the palace. The small house blended with the trees behind it, making it seem as if it had spang from the ground like a tree. "It's actually my father's old house but I renovated it. I want this to be our holiday house." 

Jinwoon didn't know what to say. "It... It's beautiful." Sung Hoon nodded. Remembering the rundown ruin from three years ago. He had followed one of his father's letters to the King to find this place. He had been disappointed at its state. 

He asked, it was more like he demanded the king to give him the house. The king, in shame, had agreed. Sung Hoon started to make it just like his father had described it. It had taken him two years of working closely with the builders to fix it up. 

He helped Jinwoon out of the carriage and led him to the front door. "I hope you like it." He opened the door and indicated for Jinwoon to go inside. Jinwoon stepped inside and looked around. 

The place had a fragrant wooden smell to it. He looked around and saw that it had an upstairs too. There was a sitting room to the left and a kitchen and dining area to the left. Next to the sitting room was another door.

"I'll show you upstairs." Sung Hoon lifted Jinwoon up and walked up the stairs. Jinwoon looked at Sung Hoon in shock. "Wait!" Sung Hoon gave him a sly smile. "I can't wait any longer, my wife."

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