
Chapter 81: Phyton Flashback Part 3! A Turning Point In The War!

For three excruciating years, the Shizonian Clan and Rygono's rebellion were entrenched in a savage civil war that seemed to drag on endlessly. Although the war was fiercely fought, with neither side gaining a clear advantage, the tide of battle turned decisively in favor of the Shizonian Clan with a pivotal victory at Vonghoku. We now go into the POV of Rygono within his tree house three days following the battle, his footsteps echoing against the wooden planks as he paces back and forth. Rygono's fists clench as he surveys the number of troops they have left, far lower than the Shizonian Clan's. "Dammit! I can't believe we lost that battle! And to make matters worse, our numbers have been put far below theirs! Grah! If only our men weren't so weak!"

"We are trying our hardest. We started off the war with immeasurable odds going up against them. To make matters worse, some of our troops are becoming scared they'll be punished if they lose, so they're turning away," says one village leader.

"I don't care if we have weaker numbers. That idiot Watsumoto is weak! We have the strength. We should be tearing them apart by now!"

"Yelling like this won't solve the issues we n-"

"Silence!" Rygono strikes the man across the face, the thud echoing in the room.

"If you're going to have this anger toward a cause. Then my village will no longer support you," says another village leader.

"I agree. My village will no longer be a part of this cause either. I joined you, thinking you'd be a rightful ruler over Watsumoto, but it's clear you did this out of jealousy," says another village leader.

The leaders of the supporting villages exit their way out of the pier, their faces set with disappointment, and their guards marching in step behind them. Anger boils inside Rygono as he balls his fists. "Fine, leave! I don't need any of you. I can take Watsumoto on myself and kill him on my own!"

The elder glances at Rygono and the disappointment in his narrowed eyes is palpable. "I regret joining sides with someone who started a war over jealousy rather than thinking about the people he attempted to rule over. Your downfall will be a bad one.."

We now enter the POV of Watsumoto, who's going over battle strategy with his elders. "Last I checked, their numbers are now down to 30,000. It appears we are on the brink of winning this war. We have to get them out of hiding," says one elder.

"Yes, I agree, but my brother is stubborn, and I feel like this war will end with him being the last one standing."

As the night grows darker, the rustling of leaves underfoot draws the attention of a vigilant guard stationed outside the pier. He hears a faint shuffling sound, and it's enough to make him alert. He picks up his wooden telescope and squints through it, scanning the horizon. Suddenly, his eyes widen as he spots a large group of unarmed rebels heading straight towards him. The sight of them sends a chill down his spine, and he can feel his heart pounding in his chest, so he bursts into Watsumoto's tree house. "Chief, I think the rebels are attacking!" says a guard on watch.

"What!" Watsumoto quickly exits his pier and unsheathes his staff to confront the rebels. "What are you all doing here now?! Is this a surprise attack?!"

"We aren't here to attack you Lord Watsumoto. We are the remaining creatures from the rebellion, and we surrender!" says a soldier.

In a solemn procession, each former rebel kneels before Watsumoto. "Please forgive us for the treason we've committed against you," they all say.

As Watsumoto descends the steps of the pier, his piercing gaze fixates on the unruly mob of rebels before him. Despite the treacherous men around him, Watsumoto's stoic expression remains steadfast. "Your act of treason is pardoned. To atone for the sins you committed against the Shizonian Clan, you will go door to door asking for forgiveness from each person of our clan."

"We do not deserve such mercy, my lord. Thank you," says one voice. His declaration of atonement prompts multiple former rebels to obey his commands, and they go door to door for everyone.

We now enter the POV of Rygono, isolated in the woods alone, his anger reaching its boiling point. "It's not fair! He gets everything. The Clan, People, The Throne! And yet here I am with nothing!"

"So, it seems you've failed. Oh well, I guess it's time to fulfill the contract," says a meek voice.

Rygono feels a knot form in his stomach, the familiar voice sending a chill through his body. As Rygono turns, he sees the mysterious figure from before shrouded in darkness and many trees and other foliage dying out. "Wait! Hold on, I have another proposal!"

"Oh, do you have another proposal? What is it?"

"I'll lure him to a spot we used to spar at when we were younger. Since I am the stronger fighter, I should win this! I'll kill him, then I'll take over the right as the ruler of this clan!"

"Ok, I'll add it to the contract, but let it be known if you lose, you will turn into a vile beast," the Mysterious figure fades away once again.

"Now, it's time to claim the right as ruler!" Rygono sneaks through the dense foliage surrounding the main Shizonian village, his footsteps muffled by fallen leaves. He makes his way into Watsumoto's private pier.

Suddenly, Watsumoto senses a presence and jolts awake, his eyes widening at the sudden appearance of Rygono. "Brother, what are you doing in here?!"

"I'm here to settle the score… meet me where we used to spar."

"I had a feeling it would come to this… But I won't fight you! I'm going to get the other village leaders in here to place you under arrest."

"No. I don't think you have a choice, brother," Rygono shows Watsumoto, the black curse circle on his neck. "I had a black mage place a curse on our entire clan. If you refuse this offer, everyone will undergo a sickness and perish!"

"You dealt with a Black Mage! How could you?! Are you really willing to go to these lengths to usurp me as the Supreme Chief?!"

"Yes, I am. You and I both know I am the rightful ruler of this clan! Now come on, fight me, brother, and claim the throne as yours…"

"Fine then, I hate it has to come to this," Watsumoto and Rygono arrive at a grass field, the wind picking up and causing the tall blades of grass to sway and dance around them. "Brother, are you sure about this?" asks Watsumoto.

"Yes I am… now come on… Let's settle this once and for all. And decide the rightful ruler of this clan!"

"Fine then, have it your way…"

Rygono draws out his wooden sword from its sheath, and with a mighty roar, he rushes towards Watsumoto, who readies himself for the attack by placing his staff in a defensive position. The clash of their weapons sends a deafening noise reverberating through the trees, and the sheer force of the impact creates a shockwave that shudders through the ground. Leaves and twigs are flung into the air, and the distant trees topple over from it.

We now go to the POV of Ralzhon asleep in his pier. Then, the sound of the shockwave from the fight jolts him awake. His ears ring as he scrambles to his feet, disoriented. "What's happening?" He takes to the air, and his wings beat frantically against the cool night air. As he draws closer to the source of the disturbance, he sees two figures locked in a fierce battle. The echoes across their wooden weapons clashing filling the air. Ralzhon's heart races as he recognizes the combatants: Watsumoto and Rygono.

"Why is he fighting Rygono alone?" He concentrates, and his vision sharpens, turning a brilliant shade of gold. This particular ability is referred to as Farsight as well, but it is a variant that is only available to Winged Creature Supernatural's. This enables them to detect objects at even greater distances than Trolls. He looks closer and sees a dark, swirling curse circle on Rygono's neck. Ralzhon's breath catches in his throat as he realizes what's happening. "Rygono must have cursed us. That's why Watsumoto is fighting alone."

"I wish you well, young chief…"

"You can win this…"

So it comes down to this! A decisive battle between two brothers! Who shall claim the title of the throne?! Who will win?!

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