
"Hello." She said, threateningly.


Mitsuna observed her changed body closely, leaving her upgraded Title and the other System notifications for later.

"Too... naked."

Mitsuna created some intricate clothing for herself out of Silk and Mana.

She made some white work boots with light blue as the secondary colour, the light blue was made into an intricate pattern of 4 rings in a sort of Olympic games style logo with a single long diagonal stripe in the middle. The toe cap and outsole of the boot she made purely with her [Diamond] Element.

With some dark blue straight jeans, a white sleeveless v-neck, and a black topcoat with a diamond thread pattern the same as her shoes stitched into it on the left side, the topcoat also had a white floral pattern on the entirety of the inside of it which was purely made from the softest silk Mitsuna could create so that it would be more comfortable, besides that she also made two hats that also had silk patterns on their insides.

One grey flat cap that also had the same pattern stitched on with diamond thread and one generic dark navy blue bucket hat.

She also made a dark grey blazer with the same style as her topcoat but placed it in her [Item Box] as she felt it was more of a topcoat kind of day.

Looking at both of her hats, she ended up shrugging and made a very short and extremely strong black thread with a diamond hook at both of its ends that held on to the flat cap as it was stuck to her black belt.

'This. I like this.'

She smiled innocently as she looked at the stitch work she did by infusing her [Silksong] skill with her [Diamond] element. Needless to say, she was proud of the clothes she made now more than she has ever been.

'It's simple but it's really good too.'

She spun in place as she looked at her outfit.


"Nice. I liked the naked part more though."

Mitsuna heard from behind her as the one she stuck to the wall, Femataur, spoke her mind.

"Shut up. I didn't ask about your opinion."

"You heard it anyway."

"I'll remove your intestines one by one in slow motion."

"I have decided to be quiet."

As the two finished their small banter, Mitsuna was about to look over the notifications she had received but suddenly stopped.

She looked towards the entrance.

'Something. No, someone is here. They're close.'

Mitsuna concluded, unsure why her senses had suddenly increased by such a large margin. She has yet to use any skill or mana but could still feel the small group outside the room a few hundred meters away, fighting minotaurs most likely.

'Notifications a little later then. The people who are approaching are a little tough so I'll prepare.'

Mitsuna looked at the female minotaur that was stuck to the wall.


Mitsuna turned to the minotaur, who nodded with closed eyes.

"I know."

"If you knew you could have said so earlier."

The minotaur opened her eyes and looked at the door to the room.

"They can't do anything to this place, much less clear it."

"Why do you think that? They seem to be pretty strong."

Mitsuna questioned as the minotaur woman turned to her.

"Oh, they are. Really tough even, I'd say at least the early stages of Tier 5."

"And you're so sure about victory because?"

"Well, you said you would drive off any conquerers."


"That is what you said."

Mitsuna sighed before answering.

"For an angry, rude and raging cow woman, you sure have unwavering trust in someone you barely know."

"Oi. What did you say?"


"Just drive them off, leave this place yourself afterwards too."

The minotaur clicked her tongue.


"Yea-. What?"

"I Tiered Up, not much more to do here besides train my Skills but I can do that elsewhere too, after I take care of these guys, I'll leave you to your own devices."

"Huh. Deal."

Mitsuna walked to the door.

Mitsuna let out a breath before raising her arm and focusing.

'Okay, [Silksong].'

Thread burst out of the surroundings.

Wall crevices, floor and ceiling cracks and some surrounding corpses.

Mitsuna created a thick and strong thread maze that stretched out to the entirety of the Dungeon, trapping everyone inside, all in an instant.

As it was completed, she used her awareness and senses to find out who was doing what.

'They are fighting but they also seem stressed. Maybe a little afraid?'

Mitsuna frowned.

'I could use that. Just scaring them off would work. Though, I have to wonder. Why isn't Femataur just kicking them out? I did that to one party when I became a [Dungeon Lord].'

Mitsuna glanced at the minotaur on the wall.

'Maybe a restriction? Eh, not my place to accuse anyone. I'll just scare them off.'

Mitsuna opened the door and walked out.

'Okay. Spooky. Something a little scary. Death?'

She wondered to herself as she constructed a large barrier of thread in front of the door that ended up looking like a den.

'Eh. Could have done better but they are getting closer. I guess they are pretty good with mazes?'

Hiding near the ceiling, hidden by thick thread, Mitsuna waited.

'A few strong surprise attacks should scare them off, hopefully. Let's hope they aren't some veterans.'

Mitsuna created a few traps around the place by manipulating the thread on the walls and ceiling.

'Almost here. I should hurry.'

Mitsuna thought as she sped up her trap making, her senses picking up that they are only a few tens of meters away.

Mitsuna heard the group speak.

"This place sucks, I hate it."

"I have to agree. Minotaurs and spider web don't go well together."

"I don't want to be here any more than either of you. The job just pays well, if it didn't I wouldn't have even proposed this place."

'These voices.'

Mitsuna thought.

'I vaguely recognize them...'

She flipped through and scanned her memories to find anyone who spoke similarly to the group right now.

'Ah. It's that group. I remember them. The woman and two men from the party I had kicked out. Though I feel like I've seen their faces after that incident as well.'

Mitsuna remembered them as she slightly furrowed her brows.

'They're still alive? And at such a high level too?'

She wondered before activating a wall trap.

'Still, they are currently intruders.'

A blunt ball of thread shot out of the wall.

As it did, it was cut into pieces by one of the men who was holding a single straight sword.

"Do minotaur Dungeons have traps?"

"Nope. Don't think so."

"What kind of question is that? That 'trap' was a ball of thread. What minotaur makes traps out of thread?"

"Shut up, I wasn't asking you."

The sword-wielding man and the woman started arguing.

'They seem weirdly relaxed. Either they are careless or adventurer veterans. If they even are still adventurers and haven't changed their job.'

Mitsuna flexed her hand.

Spears of thread flew toward the bickering group only to be blocked by a sturdy silver barrier.

The man with the great shield lowered his raised shield as the barrier dissipated and started telling off his teammates, joining in on the arguing and bickering.

'I can't tell if they are a close party or not.'

After a minute when Mitsuna felt that it would be awkward to use another trap again, the party stopped fighting.

"Whatever. Let's just get this over with. By the strength of those attacks, we know that the spider thing here isn't near Tier 5. It should be easy to kill it."

"That's a death flag."

"Honestly, shut up Lin. Do you think we would die to something that isn't even Tier 5 with me around?"

"Sam. You are literally the one who was scared to enter this place."

"I am a woman. Women and spiders don't mix."


"F*ck you."

Sam, the mage woman, pointed her staff at the ceiling.

"It's probably hiding there, I can feel mana."

She said as she activated her signature [Wind] magic spell.

Sharp and fast blades of wind cut through the thick silk and rock of the ceiling.

Mitsuna, who was surprised by this sudden attack, teleported away to another location, still hidden by her makeshift den.

"It moved."


"Teleported, idiots."

"A teleporting monster is dangerous."

"So are we."


"I will dismember your d*ck."

Sam said as she looked towards the sword-wielding man, Lin.

"You know you can't."

Lin said before taking a few steps forward and swinging his sword wildly.

Thread was cut apart as the sheer pressure and aura infused into his attacks tore through the walls of the Dungeon.

'What the sh*t?!'

Mitsuna thought as she was forced to dodge again.


Lin muttered as the great shield user behind him raised his shield and cast a spell.

"Careful Ronald. Don't use your entire lifespan in exchange for mana."

Sam joked as Ronald, the great shield user responded.

"Shut it Sam."

Invisible chains of mana materialized from his shield and launched in every direction.

Mitsuna covered her hand with mana and cut with it as if it were a sword, deflecting the few chains that would have almost grabbed her.

Mitsuna, who was still in the safety of the silk den, which was now almost completely torn apart, swore in her mind as she could feel all the other invisible chains cut through the air and suddenly move toward her location.

'I have plans that I want to do in the future. Being seen as a monster wouldn't be the best.'

She bit her lip and made a quick decision.

She used her [Ancient Dragonic Speech] skill, she spoke the words 'Cancel Spell' and 'Become Blind'.

She felt how the chains broke apart before reaching her, jumping down from the last remaining silk wall and touching the stone ground, she felt something approach.

It was Lin the swordsman.

He cut the ground before taking a step, making sure no thread would trip him, he repeated this action incredibly fast as he ran towards Mitsuna, the ground being sliced to pieces as he ran.

'Damn. He doesn't need sight?'

Mitsuna covered her hand in mana and caught the blade that had suddenly appeared in front of her neck.

The stab was stopped but blood was still drawn from a deep wound on her hand as she had tried to catch it with her fingers but failed as the attack was too strong.

As Mitsuna was about to speak, she felt something heavy making its way at her.

Covering her other hand with mana, she made a small ball of wind above her fist as she punched the great shield that had almost smashed her body into the wall.

The ball of wind exploded as it took care of most of the impact, giving Mitsuna enough leeway to stop the shield in its tracks with just one fist.

Ronald's attack was stopped.

Sam's was not.

She had a spell ready to launch and was about to activate it.

Mitsuna however countered yet again.

Her eyes glazed over momentarily in a silver and gold light as the magic circle shattered.

Mitsuna had a bead of sweat on her forehead.

'God. Damn. Alright...'

Mitsuna thought as calmly as she could, thanking herself for blinding them as seeing her now would easily tell them that she was, in fact, not calm at all.

'They don't even need to talk in order to cooperate this well. Do they have some telepathy or something? This feels strangely unfair and that's coming from me!'

Mitsuna took a breath as she calmed herself down, the crushing weight of the great shield was a moment away from shattering her left fist and the sword was a good push away from stabbing through her hand.

'Let's try talking. I'm sure we are both really peaceful parties.'

Mitsuna steeled herself just in case a fight broke out anyway, her Status Page was open, and all of her skills were ready to be used in a single moment.

Mitsuna spoke with a slight pause.

"Hello. It's a pleasure."

The attacks lightened a little.

There were quite a few reasons for it.

The primary ones were hesitation and fear.

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