

It was a crazy morning. My body is aching. Well, maybe because of yesterday.

And all first years and second years who are already inside the classrooms are staring at me and Vyrgyle, my classmate with a lot of moles.

He asked me if he can carry me on his shoulder because he is a mixed martial arts and wrestling fan. I don't know if it's out of concern. This guy also confessed during our first day that he drinks the alcohol you use to clean your hands.

Finally we arrived at the second room of the right wing of the first floor for freshmen. We are the second section of the first years.

"So are you really protecting him now?" Rosell said infront of the doorway together with Robert. They are both blocking the entrance of the classroom

"Get out of my way", Vyr said as he put me down gently. I was still disoriented but he put his hands inside his pockets. What a thug.

I don't really want to be the cause of a potential school violation so before it escalates, I quickly went between the dyad, Rosell and Robert, and Vyr with my hands up.

"Hey guys, we are classmates, let's stop this. If you want to stop being friends with me I'm fine with it."

While I was saying my speech, I was notifed by a hidden voice, is it the Goldrassil system of my soul core weapon card?

[Incoming threat]

[Demon Lord's aura activated]

I'm not sure but there's a silver ring on my hand glowing. And suddenly I saw my classmates trembling in fear and kneeling down.

But why I am not feeling it? Was there a teacher around? I have felt immense pressure to yesterday when playing patintero and being caged in the right grid.

When I came to my senses, Russel's right hand is bleeding. Vyr is on the ground, I really want to reach my hand out for Vyr but the sensation of chains wrapped around my neck

[Level too low to resist]

[Threat was undetected. Repairing the error of the system]

[No error found]

"I never imagined I have to use [Chain of Technical] to my student early this morning", Ms. Princess Linda said. She is our Manamatics teacher. Good thing we are infront of the healing grotto in this staircase

I have chains in my neck like a dog. Just wow. But a shining light came from the Saint Virgin Lady statue and it quickly healed Russel's hand injury.

"I don't want you, Keniv to miss the class. But you have to go to the principal's office later on your first break. No one authorized you to have your soul core weapon to be realized and materialize. You have been wearing it since past 3 am." And then Miss Linda stared at the boys and commanded them, "Go inside or I'll smack you, you troublemakers."


Our first class with Miss Linda was her handing out the promised manadex cards. Honestly, they look like the index cards from my previous life.

Pour your aura into it.

I saw my other classmates manadex cards lit. They didn't even utter "Grant me strength". I should have really enrolled in the classes of Mana Technicalities and Aptitude Program last summer. My elementary school didn't prepare me for this curriculum.

They say aura is something that protects and is something passively active. But my neck is chained by the [Chain of Technical]

It says it suppresses my internal Goldrassil System. Wtf is Goldrassil System anyway? Don't tell me we are like computers with an OS from my previous life.

My silver ring also disappeared. So now I really tried to pour my aura to the manadex card by imagining my internal mana seeping out after focusing them on my index finger.

The Chain of Technical strongly wraps around my neck and then my manadex card faintly glow

It shows

Name: Keniv Lee Veikr

HP: ???


Level: ???

Class: ???

[Stats can't be displayed]

and I feel a very immense pressure stronger than what I felt. A very loud explosion was heard.

Suddenly, a horde of monsters appeared outside, they are coming out from the crack of the field. The sky outside was also dyed in red. I can see it from my seat.

[Forcing Goldrassil System... Awakening Mode is activating]

[The Demon Lord System is suppressing the command sent by the server. Autonomy is given to the user to make the decision. Will you activate autopilot mode by the Silverwing Server Administrator?]

[I reflexively and internally said no. I don't want to die fighting without being aware of my surroundings. There must be a way; I need to be calm]

Everyone in my classroom screamed as if they were in pain. Golden aura was emitted from their bodies and golden wings. Suddenly golden armor covered them. They were like archangels of golden knights.

A door that doesn't exist on my left my seat appeared. I quickly materialize my screwdriver with a u fork and opened it. I didn't look back. Even I saw my teacher transformed into a knight. The door closed automatically.

This happens after spoilerlogue which happens after the previous chapter

Pabobo_Girlcreators' thoughts
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