
Chapter 64: The Beginning…

She was excited.  And nervous.  Which she felt more she couldn’t say.

Anything to get out of Akron.  Not really.  Not just anything.  The most amazing opportunity she’d had.

Is this really happening?  Or will I wake up and realize it was only a dream?

Bella Grant checked her trunk again.  Three months was a long time.  What have I forgotten?  She frowned. Don’t be stupid.  You can get anything you need.  You aren’t going to the Amazon rain forest.

After calling down to the front desk for bell service, she made one last tour of the suite to make sure she wasn’t forgetting anything.  Hearing the knock, she opened the door to find the bellman waiting in the hallway.  She stepped back and admitted him to the suite.  “It’s just these,” waving her hand to indicate her trunk, cosmetic case, and camera bag.

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