
Chapter Seventy-Four

Learning my lesson from the thugs I took out at the Sydneys with Fawn I opt for boring a hole in the head of the one holding me and kneecapping the rest.

Time plus laser means the brain still has enough activity before it registers that there's something seriously wrong with the body. Those extra moments aren't something I'm willing to give them, especially not with me so close.

I could get hurt.

"Aaaghhh!!!" The screaming starts and I wonder how Fawn is fairing. She's long gone from the car by now, off to assault the warehouse.

I've still got some assaulting to do.

"Fuck! He's the Kneecapper! I knew he looked familiar!" The vendor screams.

"Damn it, why didn't you say so!"

With the screams and writhing chatter from pedestrians has ensued, chatter and watchers. I'm being filmed.


It's not a big deal but it is uncomfortable, guess I'm going to be watching the news tonight.

"Hey! Stop right there!"

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