

How could he not think that way?

With each passing day, he found his eyes gradually being led to fall upon Xu Jiaqi more and more. Sometimes, when she would pull out bizarre plans out of nowhere, his cold and detached mask would fall apart, and a genuine smile would bloom.

"..This is dangerous." Xie Yongrui grasped at his hair, sighing as he was conflicted on what to do next. In his vocabulary, there couldn't exist a weakness. If something that made his heart stir like this appeared, then shouldn't he eradicate her right away in order to secure himself?

Or.. should he fight for these emotions- something that he had loathed for all these years because of how much negative connotation it brought to him?

"What is dangerous, my lord?" Lin asked.

Her question just made Xie Yongrui even more irked. "You can go now, I want to be alone. Keep staying close to her and report anything weird to me."

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