
1.5 The First World

(Host, the Female Lead is here. In this world, you are the stepbrother of the female lead, Zhang Mian. You do remember. Right? I already give you the plots.) White Ball's eyeing Ryan suspiciously after the system saw him avoiding eye contact. (Host, seriously? You didn't read them?!)

{Why should I care about that green tea bitch anyway? If she wanted the heir position so much, she should improve her knowledge and work harder to prove her charms and good points. With this level of intelligence, no wonder their father ignored his legitimate daughter and focused more on his talented son. A jealous person is pitiful. They always blamed other people for their shortcomings. Don't they realized, if they wanted to be successful in life, they need to sacrifice many things and work harder than anyone else? Not by playing a pushing blame game. What a silly girl this Zhang Mian is. With one single look and I already dislike her by this much. Ugh, how could Zhang Wei stand such a hideous sight every day? Maybe, this is the reason he moves out of his mansion.} Ryan clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Displeasure is seeping out from his body, halting Zhang Mian advanced toward her stepbrother. Zhang Wei's unconcealed disdain is visible on his face. She felt a shiver running down her spine when their eyes locked just now. This stupid coward had changed. His personality turned aggressive, and he had a gut to glare at her?!

Before this, Zhang Wei always averted his gaze and acted more docile. Just what happened in these few months for him to change drastically? Is he Zhang Wei? Not another person impersonating him?

"What do you want, bitch?" Ryan asked. He didn't need to be polite to this girl. Poor the original to suffer such grievances at the hand of this green tea bitch. My condolences to you, Zhang Wei. Let me lit a row of candles for you. Ryan lamented in his heart.

Zhang Mian coughed. What did he call her? Bitch?! Since when this coward had the gut to speak this way to her, the legitimate successor of the esteemed Zhang Family?! She wanted to curse him back. Yet, she refrained herself. All the gentle and innocent girl persona that she painstakingly built will be crumbling if she fights him back, especially in the public space.

"Older brother, it's been such a long time since we last meet. Mian is missing you. Hence, Mian decided to visit her older brother today."

"Is that so? Well, I am not. I didn't felt the same way toward you, little girl. Like you can see, right now, I am perfectly healthy and happy. Please don't comes and destroyed my good mood for today. Go back to your castle, pampered princess." Ryan said in a monotone voice. He resumed his tasks and completely ignoring Zhang Mian's existence in his office room.

"Older brother, father asked you to come home for the next holiday. He called you, brother. However, you never picked up his calls, nor you ever called him back. How could you treat your father like that? You acted more like a stranger than a family, older brother." Zhang Mian is vehemently continuing her acting. Well, she is good, for an amateur. Even so, she couldn't hide her wicked and vile thoughts that well. Her eyes are reflecting her greedy desires and twisted emotions.

"Whatever, please go back and resume your shopping spree, girl. Ah, I might consider going back to visit if your leave the house. Your presence at the house is suffocating me. I cannot breathe that well when I see your face. If I died because of you, my father would get sad. And, if you wanted to visit me, you will come here first, not went into your shopping maniac state, and maximized your credit card for such useless things." Ryan glanced at the handful of branded shopping bags in the hands of Zhang Mian's bodyguard with a disdainful look. Women and shopping are inseparable and more intimate than the relationship between lovers.

Zhang Mian's face turned ugly. This good-for-nothing man is daring to reprimand her? Who did he think he is?

Knock! Knock!

A beautiful woman in a nurse's uniform peeked her head into the room.

"Doctor Zhang, we put your lunch on the desk in the break room, okay? Please don't forget to eat your lunch." Jessica, one of his nurses, said with a smile. "And, you got a patient, doctor. He is waiting, outside."

"Okay," Ryan replied. He glanced towards Zhang Mian. He makes a provocative gesture of shooing toward her. "As you can see, I am busy, girl, unlike you. I don't have the patience nor the time to coax you and your needs. Stop distracting me with your nonsense. The exit is over there. Have a safe trip back, pampered princess. Goodbye, and I will not escort you out."

Zhang Mian stomped her feet, throwing a tantrum like a child. She slammed the door when she goes out. One of the bodyguards is following his mistress hastily. He is carrying a bundle of branded shopping bags in both of his hands.

Ryan shook his head.

"She got an awful temper. And, does she think she is cute, throwing a childish tantrum like that? How can the Male Lead blindly fall in love with her? Sure, she is pretty, but her personality is terrible." He mumbled under his breath. "And, you, what are doing here? Your employer is already gone. Shouldn't you followed her?" Ryan's forehead is wrinkled in distaste. He felt very uncomfortable at the appearance of the older bodyguard in his room.

From the beginning, this bodyguard scanned him with his eagle-like eyes. He had been silently observing him, analyzing his thought and quirks. Perhaps, he realized that Ryan is not the original Zhang Wei? No way, right?

"The president asked you to come home at the appointed time. It's mandatory. You can reject another proposal, but not this one. Please come and stopped avoiding his calls, young master." The bodyguard informed.

Ryan almost let a relieved breath out loud. Thank goodness that is not the case. But, appointed time? What time? Is there some important event he needs to attend? Should he ask the bodyguard? Err...what is the bodyguard's name? Judging by his tag, he is not a simple bodyguard that only served to guard his employer. He must have some authority and ranking in the Zhang Family. If he asked such an obvious question, will the bodyguard suspect anything?

"Young master Zhang, in case you forget again, like always, I am Jin Wei, your new personal bodyguard. I served President Zhang before this. Although we only meet each other twice in six months, as you sternly prohibited me from following you around. Please at least registered my name in your brain. " Jin Wei sighed. As he thought, the young master forgot about him again.

No wonder he didn't call him these last few weeks. The young master usually reported his daily life to him in the form of diary entries via message. Or, if he felt lazy, he will call him to inform. Jin Wei can find anything about the young master by stalking him around, but the man hates it.

If he insisted on using such a method, the young master might be doing something equally stupid on impulse. To remind Jin Wei of his position, That he is only a bodyguard and not his father. But, from the attitude he shown just now toward the young lady, the young master sure acted differently than the normalcy.

"Oh!" Ryan scratched his head. "Sorry?" He apologized hesitantly.

"I will send the invitation later when the appointed time comes. I feared you might forget about such an important matter again." Jin Wei stated the word again in a stern voice.

Ryan suddenly had a guilty feeling in his heart. Damn it. Those words sure hit the sore spot in him. He never thought Zhang Wei's personality is a bit similar to him. Both of them have a good memory but only selectively remember the matter they intended to memorize. While the rest of the information? Of course, they will disregard it without care.

"Haha..." Ryan laughed awkwardly.

"Then, have a good day, young master. I will take my leave now." Jin Wei bowed his head respectively and stepped outside.

Ryan slumped his body on his comfy chair.

"I'm doomed. That bodyguard suspected something."

(Hah, serve you right, host! The system already reminded you to read the plots and the original's memories multiple times.)

{Shut up, you, stupid system!}


When Zhang Mian went out of the room in anger, she collided with a tall man.

"Ouch! Watch where you are going, stupid! Are you blind...?!" Her jaw dropped when she saw the handsome man in front of her. She immediately straightened her body. Bashfully, she said to the handsome man in a gentle tone. "Ah, are you...are you okay?"

The tall man only smiles.

Zhang Mian felt her heart is about to burst.

"Mr. Zhao Jun? Are you here? The doctor is waiting." Jessica informed him from the counter.

"I am here, miss." Zhao Jun raised his left hand but stopped abruptly. A sharp pain shoots out, causing him to groan in pain. "I am sorry, young lady. I need to meet the doctor. Once again, I am sorry for bumping on you."

Zhang Mian nodded her head mindlessly. She stared at the back of the handsome young man until the said man disappeared from her sight.

"So handsome! So handsome!" She squealed in excitement."Ah, My Zhao Jun..." Zhang Mian sighed dreamily.


"No broken bone. However, I suggested you take an X-ray for confirmation. Where do you fall? When, and the reason for your fall? Can you tell me in detail?" Ryan touched the other man's arm carefully. His gentle touch eases up the tense nerve of the patient. Purple bruises with some gory scratch wounds decorating his left arm. Hmm, it must be a cat. Ryan thought solemnly in his mind. Must be hurt. Look at the scratches...No wonder.

Zhao Jun chuckles awkwardly.

"My cat, she stuck at a high place. When I saved her, she spooked out and scratched my arms. I, unfortunately, lost my balance and fall on my wounded arm."

"I see." Ryan wrote something on a piece of paper. "Give this paper to the nurse at the counter and take an X-ray scan first. Come see me again after you finished the X-ray."

Zhao Jun nodded his head. Before he goes out, he suddenly stopped in the middle of the door.

"Doctor, we met before, right?"

Ryan raised his head. He stared at the other man with a blank face. Then, the bulb in his head switched on.

"Oh, we did. At the cafe, right?"

"No wonder you seemed familiar, doctor." Zhao Jun said mysteriously.

"I am sorry?"

"It's nothing. That day, I had almost interrupted your date. I felt a bit guilty about that."

"Ah, no worries. That girl is my ex-girlfriend. We're not on a date. We just met each other occasionally." Hmm? Isn't this weird. Why should I explain the thing that happened that day to a stranger?

"I see. The woman is beautiful. You got a good taste, doctor." Zhao Jun's smile becomes wider. "Though, it's a pity. She got murdered by someone." The last sentence is saying in a low voice, and Ryan didn't hear them.

"This...Mr. Zhao? Are you interested in her or what? I'm sorry to inform you that she's dead. It's been exactly two weeks after the incident that took her life."

"Oh no. Please, I think it is a misunderstanding, doctor. I'm just asking. I am sorry to bother you. Please continue your hard work, doctor." Zhao Jun bowed his head and went out. He handed the piece of note to the nurse at the counter. His lips curved into a mocking sneer.

Ryan is dumbfounded. What happened? My brain cannot process this sequence of events. Did he is asking because he is curious? Or, because he is interested in Diana? Ahh, whatever.

He shrugged his shoulders and disregarded Zhou Jun's weird concern over the matter. Why would he care anyway?

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