
Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 298. Anomaly III

Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 298. Anomaly III

Angel's eyes widened imperceptibly. Despite his efforts to maintain a stoic facade, the discovery sent a ripple of astonishment through him, betraying his composed demeanor.

The presence of a magic item, especially one of such rarity and antiquity, was a revelation that caught Angel off guard. Such artifacts were relics of a bygone era, remnants of a time when the land was engulfed in the flames of war against the dark king.

These artifacts were often associated with the dark king himself, relics of his formidable power and influence over the realm. While most had been thought to have perished along with the dark king, the existence of one in Lady Belle's possession hinted at the possibility that some had survived the passage of time.

Thinking twice, the dark crystal embedded within him was also a potent artifact in its own right. It might be a remnant of the dark king's legacy, imbued with his power and ancient magic.

Once more, Angel's focus shifted from his training, his keen eyes settling on Cley with an air of command. "Cley," he called out, his voice echoing slightly in the open space of the training grounds.

Cley immediately ceased his movements, turning towards Angel with a sense of urgency. "Yes, Your Majesty?" he responded, his tone infused with respect and attentiveness.

"Summon Lady Belle to the parlor room. Tell her I wish to speak with her," Angel instructed succinctly, his voice bearing the weight of authority.

Cley's brow furrowed slightly in confusion, and a hint of hesitation flickered across his face. "Lady Belle?" he echoed, pausing for a moment to ensure he had understood the command correctly. It was unusual for Angel to request a private meeting with a noblewoman, particularly someone like Lady Belle, who rarely interacted directly with the king in such a formal context.

"Yes," Angel confirmed, his tone firm and devoid of any ambiguity. His expression was unreadable, giving nothing away of his thoughts or intentions behind the sudden summons.

Cley's confusion was palpable as he fumbled for the right words, his understanding clearly at odds with the suddenness of the order. "Oh, uh, sure," he stammered, trying to make sense of Angel's unexpected request. Though puzzled by the king's intentions, Cley knew better than to question a direct command. He sheathed his sword with a fluid motion, signaling his readiness to comply. "I'll immediately pick her up from her mansion," he added, preparing to depart.

Angel was aware of Cley's misconception about Lady Belle's whereabouts. With a slight tilt of his head, he corrected him gently without shifting his gaze from Cley. "She is there. On the balcony," he indicated subtly.

Startled by this revelation, Cley turned sharply in the direction Angel had gestured. His eyes scanned the area and soon spotted Lady Belle. She stood on the balcony, her presence marked by a curious demeanor as she watched them from a distance. Realizing his mistake, Cley's confusion deepened, and he let out a slight, bewildered chuckle. "Oh, right," he acknowledged, his voice tinged with embarrassment. "I'll ask her to come see you right away," he added quickly, eager to rectify his earlier oversight.

"Tell her I want this to be a meeting between the two of us. Her maids and knights cannot come," Angel commanded, ensuring the privacy of their upcoming discussion. "Also, ask a servant to prepare some snacks for us," he added, his thoughts on maintaining a semblance of casualness to perhaps ease the forthcoming conversation.

"I understand," Cley responded, though his voice betrayed a hint of the confusion swirling within him. Angel's orders were clear, but the rationale behind them remained shrouded in mystery. Angel had always maintained a distance from Lady Belle, adhering strictly to the formalities expected between a king and a noble lady. The sudden shift in his approach left Cley puzzling over potential reasons and ramifications.

With no time to dwell on his thoughts, Cley turned on his heels and briskly made his way toward Lady Belle. His mind raced with questions. Why the sudden interest in a private meeting? What was so urgent or important that it required excluding her usual entourage? These thoughts flickered through his mind like wildfire. 

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