
Chapter 174 – Kiss of the Loving King

With Raven's skilled help, Mana was ready well in advance. In fact, the intricate hairstyle that Raven had perfectly executed on Mana's long hair was rather appealing and it made Mana look even more charming than ever before. Of course, the dexterity and patience required for this elaborate hairstyle was not something that Mana thought she would ever be capable of (or even willing to) pull off – but it really did look rather good and it made her look rather pretty. With thirty four pins and nineteen clips, though, even if it was really, really pretty, Mana wouldn't want to do this every day.

"You look absolutely lovely," Raven said with a proud smile. "This hairstyle really suits you very much, you now."

Mana grinned at him. "It's all thanks to you," she said. "I wonder where you learnt this hairstyle, though?"

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