
Planet Namek 6

It was roughly twenty three hours later Nail returned. I sensed his power approaching and brought myself out of the trance used for image training. Uncrossing my legs, I stood up and stretched myself out.

I cast a look at Guru, to find him still asleep. Man, that throne chair is cool looking as fuck, but I wouldn't want to sleep in it. Guru's back must be made of some tough stuff. Much tougher stuff than mind, because sitting down cross legged for the last twenty three hours? I gotta tell ya, not fun at all and my back is aching a bit.

I was about to go out to meet Nail, when a snorting grunt caught my attention and I looked to Guru to see him rising from his slumber, "..It seems Nail is approaching with the other six dragon balls," he mused before coughing to clear his throat. He reached up behind him and lifted the dragon ball resting above his head, "Here Kakarot, you may take this and meet Nail outside to summon Porunga, I will stay here."

I accepted the dragon ball gratefully, "Thank you Lord Guru," I bowed my head in respect, "For every thing..I mean it." The Namekian's are such bros. I swear to god when Frieza turns up if he touches one of them I'll rip him apart and eat his tail in front of him before shitting down his throat. Then I'll cut off his head and his fathers and juggle them.

"It was my pleasure Kakarot." Guru inclined his head and smiled at me.

I bid him goodbye for now and made my way outside. I was just in time to see Nail speeding into view, six very large and very familiar orange spheres trailing behind him, floating in the air. Huh, telekinesis? That reminds me, I gotta look into learning how to do that. I remember the way Cell used it to carve apart entire mountains to shape it into his arena for the Cell Games, that was badass and more importantly, a super convenient power. I wouldn't even need to get up off my ass to get a television remote ever again!

He touched down in front of me mere seconds later, the dragon balls dropping to the ground beside him, and when his aura died down I noticed he was looking at me gobsmacked, "..Even without that gold power your power has grown this absurd?" He asked in shock, "Truly the future must be a terrible place if this kind of power is not enough."

"It can be," I nodded, and looked down at the dragon ball in my hands, seeing it glowing in the presence of its brethren, "Is it fine to summon Porunga from here?" I asked.

Nail nodded, gesturing to the six wishing spheres he had gathered, all glowing like the one in my hands, "Have at it," he said, before looking at me curiously, "Do you need me to translate for you? Porunga can only be summoned in the Namekian Language and only grant wishes spoken in the Namekian tongue as well."

I walked over and placed the dragon ball in my hand with the other six, "It's fine, Guru passed the Namekian Language on to me." I replied.

"I see.." Nail nodded, eyes narrowing lightly, possibly even thoughtfully but said nothing more.

I rose my arms up over the glowing seven wishing spheres, "Takkara-Puto Popporunga Pupiritto-Paro!" I chanted.

Immediately the sky darkened, something unnatural on a planet with three suns and no night system. The huge seven dragon balls burst into blinding light together, converging as one before shooting up into the air in a gargantuan beam that expanded and took on the form of a titanic muscular dragon.

"I am the eternal dragon, who has summoned me?" Porunga boomed.

"It was me," I spoke up, drawing his giant crimson red eyes down to me, "I summoned you Porunga."

"I see, the one whom has become connected to me," the titanic behemoth of a dragon noted, "Very well, speak. I can grant you three wishes."

"Connected?" I heard Nail whisper in confusion.

"Porunga, there is a man on Earth known as doctor Gero, he has developed a machine known as an Infinite Ki Generator that he will implant in androids," I began, speaking in the Namekian Language, "I wish to have one of my own implanted within my body, permanently as a natural part of my body."

"This is within my power," Porunga nodded, his eyes beginning to glow, "Wish granted!"

Suddenly, warmth suffused my being. The Ki I felt within me was always within a set area and no matter how large it grew, always had a finite amount. Yet, suddenly, connected to my ki..it felt like there was well, an unending well that connected and fed into my ki.

I lifted my hand and fired a small ki blast to test things out. And then I grinned in amazement as I felt ki surge from that well and replace the ki I'd just used to fire that blast.

"State your next wish!" Porunga ordered me.

"Right!" I nodded. Next up was a wish I'd been thinking on for a while, and the wish I'd thought on that had me using my last senzu bean back on Earth. "I wish for the ability to regenerate and heal from any injury, both for myself and for Bulma Briefs, as strong as you can make them without having a negative impact on my inborn zenkai ability as a saiyan!"

"..Very well," Porunga nodded, eyes glowing once more, "Wish granted!"

There was silence. I expected something to happen. But as Porunga's eyes eyes dimmed, I didn't feel any different.

"Erm..did it work?" I asked.

Somehow, despite his eyes being entirely red with no pupils, I had the feeling Porunga rolled his eyes at me, "Yes, it is a passive ability I infused within your being, though it will draw upon your ki to work," he replied, "As long as even a trace of you is left, you will regenerate. And as per your request, I have made sure it will not negatively impact your racial adaptive ability."

As long as there's even a trace of me left? Wait, wait! Isn't that fucking Cell or Buu tier fucking regen? I couldn't stop the massive grin of elation that spread across my face, "Fucking yes!" I cheered, "You're awesome Porunga!"

In reply, Porunga merely smirked at me and pressed his thumb and index finger together in a circle.

"Hmph, this was well within my power," he replied, and if I'm not mistaken, preening under my praise, "Now, time for your final wish. State it so I may return to my slumber."

Right, my last wish. "Alright then," I said, "Porunga, my final wish is for you to bring me all seeds and fruit from the Tree of Might here to me that are within the mortal realm." from what the Old Kai said in Xenoverse, apparently they're food for the gods. I didn't want to wish for them all and end up with the Kai's pissed at me, or worse, Beerus and Whis.

"Very well." Porunga nodded, and his eyes began glowing once once again.

A moment later, the air in front of me rippled and one small yellow seed fell into my hand, while tens of dozens of spiky dark orange fruit fell to the ground in front of me.

"All the wishes have been granted, now I return to my slumber partner of mine," Porunga boomed, nodding down at me. "Fare thee well!" and as he finished, he disappeared, returning to light and moments later, split into seven smaller beams of light that all shot off in different directions.

"Oof." I collapsed on my backside and couldn't stop the laughter that erupted from my throat.

"Those were some bizarre wishes you made," Nail noted, "I understand this ki generator you were speaking of, and the regeneration, it is a mighty useful ability I can attest to from experience, but what of the fruit? What makes them so special?"

I looked back at him with a smirk, before grabbing one of the fruit and tossing it at him, "Eat it and see." I said.

"We do not need food to survive, merely water," Nail pointed out. I raised an eyebrow at him, "If you insist I suppose." He relented, and took a large bite from the fruit.

As he did, his eyes widened and I felt as his power rose massively, a full fifty percent or so by my estimates. "..What is this?" Nail gaped.

"Fruit from the Tree of Might," I said, grabbing one and taking a bite myself, the boost I gained was the same amount as Nail, though it was much smaller to me because of just how large my power had grown now, "They're made from the energy of planets, eating them will increase your power."

"..I see!" Nail nodded, going wide eyed, "I understand as well, such a potent item! You made quite the wish Kakarot."

I did indeed. And quickly, I began eating more of them. Crunching and biting and swallowing them rapidly until less than ten seconds later I'd eaten in total, twenty of them. "Mmm, they taste good," I noted, even as I felt the power infuse into my being and then begin to rapidly grow. It seemed I was still under the effects of Guru's unlocking of my potential for now, "Here, you can have these as thanks for grabbing the dragon balls." I picked out eleven of them, to make a total of twelve with the one Nail ate and handed them to him.

"..What will I do with these?" Nail asked.

"Eat them yourself and get way stronger maybe?" I replied. After all, the stronger he gets, the more powerful Piccolo will become if they fuse, "Or pass them around even, maybe give some to Guru? If he's stronger he may live longer."

"Understood," Nail nodded, "What will you do now though? You have your sleeping power awoken and your wishes have been granted."

Well, first, I'm gonna give these ten fruit left over to Bulma. Her regeneration will need ki as well, so this should give her enough of a boost to keep it running whenever and should make her strong enough to be much safer when I'm not in her immediate vicinity. "I'm going to stick around for a few days at least," I settled on replying. After all, if I'm lucky I can get Guru to unlock Bulma's potential as well! "Your planet is beautiful, I want to see more of it before I go and I don't want to leave without Guru being awake so I can thank him properly."

"Very well," Nail replied, "I will see you later then, I expect."

"Probably tomorrow, yeah." I agreed.

It wasn't long later before I bid him goodbye and took off into the air, flying faster than I ever could have hoped to before.

It took literally less than ten minutes for me to get back to the ship. When I touched down in front of it, my clone was surprisingly standing in front of it. "Where's Bulma?" I asked.

"Sleeping," he replied a cocky grin on his face...that then faded into a scowl, "She was feeling a little frisky so I gave her a repeat of earlier, only I had to cut out right in the middle when I felt my power suddenly rising up out of control, if I didn't get out of there quick I could have really hurt her when I lost control of my ki dickhead!"

Ah shit! I hadn't even thought of that.

Still, that cocky asshole back talk won't fly with me, not after that smug attitude he gave me earlier, "Get fucked!" I struck the finger up at him and dispelled him, allowing his power to flow back into me.

My eyes widened as I did and I bent in half as my ki once again raged out of control, bursting into life around me and blazing my vision red.

It took me minutes to reign it in properly, and when I did I noticed the grassland around me had bene burnt to cinders and my whole body was caked with sweat, "Damn." I said with a shake of my head.

I really have to see what kind of battle power I'm sitting at right now. I know my power has grown stupidly large, so large I can't even measure how high it is in comparison to the power I had when I first went off to find Guru. But some numbers will give me a good reference point without anyone amazingly strong around me to compare to.

Beep, beep.

When I looked at the number staring back at me from the scouter, I almost lost all strength in my legs and collapsed, that was how god damn shocked I was.



Honestly, all the ree'ing over the clone just going to cuddle with Bulma has been so amusing. The autistic nerd rage is something else, and I can seriously tell how many of these people have never even kissed a girl just from the way they threaten to drop the story because of this and ree, as if that would make me care at all lmao. Literally all that was going to happen was the clone being used as a hug pillow. Now, I think I might just change it up a bit. Since these guys are so whiny about the clone thing. Maybe I'll write a gangbang scene with Bulma and a bunch of clones. The salty tears of whiny virgins will be delicious.

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