
Finding Matteo

Agni gets a call from Jaden asking her if she knows of Matty disappearance or if she has received any call,

Agni:" yes Jaden "

Jaden: " have you received any call yet?"

Agni: " no I haven't, am from getting ready but there isn't any missed call either. Why ask?"

Jaden: " I got one from Asmita, asking to give you a message on releasing Matteo "

Agni: " she is so insane, Asmita called me last mid night asking me to release Matteo or else"

Jaden: " I told her you knew nothing about Matteo's disappearance but she insisted on getting you arrested "

Agni: " no worries Jaden, I didn't do anything am innocent so am not scared"

After ending the call, Asmita walks in with some policemen and points out to Agni telling them to arrest her,

Nikita: " officers? what brings you here this morning? "

Asmita: " this is Zara, the lady holding Mike captive! "

Fred: "what? Asmita, you have it all wrong, Zara is not responsible"

Asmita: " oh spare me uncle, you are supporting her simply because she is your daughter"

Officer: " miss Zara,you have the right to remain silent and come with us to the station "

Nikita: " no! you can't take my daughter with, I won't let you "

Agni: " calm down ma,am not guilty so fear not. Officers I'll come with "

Agni is taken to the station and is put in a cell. Nikita informs Jaden and they go to the police station with a lawyer to help bail Agni out even though Asmita makes it tough for them. But they eventually pish through,

Asmita: " she is obviously the last person Mike called before he went missing"

Agni: "sir,I left the office five minutes after I arrived"

Lawyer: " According to the law,you can't arrest my client without any evidence "

Officer: " the lawyer is right miss Asmita am afraid you can't press charges against miss Zara"

The inspector releases Agni and Jaden takes her home. Nikita is overjoyed when she sees Agni back home. The family is still wondering where Matty could be though. After 48 hours, the police start looking for Matteo but there seems to be no trace of him or any clue left behind. Back home, Asmita is devastated about Matteo's disappearance,

Asmita: " if Zara knows nothing about Mike's whereabouts, then where is he?"

Andre: " what do you mean by saying this Asmi? "

Asmita: " I was suspecting Zara to be responsible for the abduction but it is clear that she knows nothing about this whole thing. Come to think of it,if she had Matty, then she wouldn't have been so worried. Brother Andre? you should have been at the station to see the worry on Zara's face"

Andre: " you went too far Asmi, arresting her wasn't the solution. Get some rest now"

In the evening, Fred goes up to Agni's bedroom to check on her. He finds her seated by the window looking so worried and he talks to her,

Fred:" so...miss Agni, tell me why you are so worried "

Agni: " uncle Fred? am worried about Matteo...wherever he is "

Fred: " what do you say when anyone gets worried? "

Agni: " I look at the person and say, 'relax,everything will work out eventually, it'll all be okay' "

Fred: "exactly! so worry not,whatever it is you are doing is for the better"

Agni: "you are just like my dad,thank you"

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