
Not as planned

When her afternoon shift is over,the nurse treating Matty knocks off. She takes a taxi and is on her way home. Agni and Jay who are at the same hospital spying on her enter their car and follow her closely. She comes to her flat and she enters her apartment, leaving Agni and Jay standing outside figuring a way to enter her apartment as well,

Jaden: " we were a little too late Agni, now what do we do?"

Agni: " no idea here Jay "

Jaden: " this is our only chance to know the truth. We won't find out what we came here for if we just stand here. Getting another chance like this one won't be easy next time "

Agni: " oh my gosh Jaden you complain too much sometimes. Why do you have to stress where not necessary "

Jaden: " call it what you want but am just concerned "

Agni: " fine,here is an idea...we go to her apartment door and knock,when we enter I'll corner with questions which she'll answer"

Jaden: " wow miss Agni, you think that plan is smart don't you. Why will she answer a stranger?"

Agni: " she won't answer the stranger unless there is a gun pointing at her "

Jaden: " don't tell me you brought a gun Agni! "

Agni: " shh,keep quiet you are such a coward sometimes. Now come, follow my lead"

Agni and Jay go to the apartment door and knock with the nurse opening then shutting it with fear of strangers,

Jaden: " now why did she shut the door in our faces like that? "

Agni decides to give it one more try by knocking and sweet talking the nurse into opening the door and letting them in,

Agni:" madam will you please open the door for us! my husband and I need your help desperately. We need some medical assistance and we were referred to you! my marriage is on the verge of collapse madam!"

The nurse hears this and feels pity for the lady standing outside her door so she opens the door and let's them enter,

Agni: " thank you so much for letting us in madam. Uh,one thing though,if you don't mind me asking, is anyone else around or are you home alone? "

Jaden: " actually what my wife is trying to imply is that our issue is sort of personal which is why we came here privately "

Nurse: " no worries...feel free and comfortable, its just me in the house "

Agni hears this and so she takes out her gun and forces the truth out of the nurse why Jay just stands there in fear and nervousness,

Agni: " since nobody is around let's talk"

Nurse: " who are you people and who directed you to my house? "

Agni: " too many questions nurse, I'll answer them when you answer mine. Do you know Asmita? "

Nurse:" leave my house am warning you, or I'll call the police "

Agni: "oh really? try to reach your phone and see if I won't shoot your legs before you reach it. I won't hesitate now talk!"

Nurse: " what do you want to know from me?"

Agni: " now we're talking. In case you don't recall I'll introduce us,do you remember the man who was brought to your clinic because of a shooting? "

Nurse: " yes I do... you are the lady that fought Asmita over the young man's identity and the man next to you was there as well "

Agni: " you remembered. Now back to business, what is wrong with the man and how do you know Asmita!"

Nurse: "he has a memory loss that's all"

Agni: " I hate wasting time over such petty issues am gonna blow your brains out don't joke around with me!"

Nurse:" he doesn't have memory loss, he keeps forgetting things because of the medication that is given to him. When you left the hospital for a while, she approached me and asked me to help her. So my doctor and I gave her some medicines,when he takes them,he'll forget his past and focus on the present moment. Otherwise the explanation I gave was all force"

Jaden: " this is totally inhumane! "

Agni cools down for a while, puts her gun back in her pockets and with tears in her eyes goes on her knees begging the nurse to help expose Asmita,

Agni: " nurse? I pointed my gun at you and for that am sorry. Help me please, help me expose Asmita so I can free Matteo from her. Our family needs us,we've been missing for three good years and you're my last hope "

Nurse: " what are you saying? "

Agni: " I'll pay any amount of money,anything you ask of me I'll freely give just do this for me "

Nurse: " you have no idea what you are asking of me,Asmita is a dangerous woman. She might kill me or harm any member of my family "

Agni: " I won't let that happen, when you decide to help me security for you and your family is guaranteed "

Jaden: " madam,she is a fellow woman. Agni has been looking for her brother so they can get back home so don't say no to her "

Nurse:" alright... I'll help you, here us my number just call when you need me"

Agni: " thank you, may God bless you nurse"

Agni and Jay leave the flats and head to the hospital to get the doctor on their side as well and they do. In the evening Agni receives a strange call and when she picks up no one answers. In order to get Asmita and Matteo to Nikita's house,Agni enlists Nikita's help of making a come together lunch and inviting them. Nikita does just that and the guests are on their way. Jay and his family arrive so does Asmita, Matty,Andre and his wife. Jaden steps out for a while and calls the nurse and the doctor asking them to come to the house quickly. Lunch is over and five minutes later, the doctor and nurse arrive and Asmita shows panic,

Agni: " everyone, this is the nurse and doctor who have been treating Mike, today they will help me expose Asmita "

Matteo: " expose Asmita? I don't get it Zara"

Agni: " Mike? Asmi has been giving you the wrong medicines so you can forget who you are. You never had a memory loss, she planned it all so you won't remember who you truly are,she's evil"

Andre:" excuse me miss Zara,I will not stand here and listen to all these accusations about my sister "

Agni: " am not accusing her of anything, what am telling you all is the the truth, ask them if you want "

Asmita: " I honestly can't believe this, you invited me over for lunch just to insult me. I love Mike with all my heart and I'd never think of hurting him. Doctor, Nurse, you have to tell the truth now so you don't ruin my reputation as a woman for goodness sake"

Nurse: " am sorry miss Zara but I can't do this "

Doctor: " I can't do this either miss Zara, sorry "

Agni: " what are you saying? "

Nurse: " the truth is that Zara paid us both a lot of money to tell lies against Asmita. We tried to say no but she threatened to get us fired since her dad is a powerful man. Asmita is so kind,what Zara is saying is false"

Everyone is left in awe when they hear this testimony especially Agni. Fred asks both the nurse and the doctor to leave. Agni goes to Matty and tries to explain herself but he doesn't listen, instead he takes Asmi by the hand and they leave,Jaden tries to stay but Agni asks him to go so he leaves with his family.

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