
Another attempt

In the morning, Jasmine wakes Agni so she can give her a bath and this leads into a heated argument,

Jasmine: " wake up Zara, wake up!"

Agni: " what now Jasi? what do you want me to do?"

Jasmine: " its six in the morning! "

Agni: " so? "

Jasmine: " so give me a bath,my mom gives me a bath every morning at six"

Agni: " am not your mom okay? first you gave me hard time last night because you don't know how to sleep properly and now waking me up"

Nikita who is up already hears the argument in the room and she intervenes,

Nikita: "Zara, just get up and give the girl a bath"

Agni: " why don't you do it mom am so exhausted "

Nikita: " exhausted? early in the morning!you will get married soon and have your own kids so who will bathe them?get up and give Jasi a bath or!"

Agni jumps out of bed quickly to avoid Nikita's anger,she lifts Jasi on her shoulders swiftly and takes her to bathroom. Jasi sees the big bathing tub and asks Agni to join her,

Jasi: " why don't you join me in the tub so we can have fun"

Agni: " keep quiet and leave me alone"

Jasi starts splashing water on Agni forcing her to do the same. Until she enters the tub and they have fun together. Nikita sees this and is happy to know that Agni is a kind soul sometimes. During breakfast, Jaden walks in and greets the family. Jasmine can't believe her eyes on how huge the man who just walked in is,

Jasmine: " wow sir,you are so huge and muscular, very very big "

Jaden: " thank you little lady but all this is hard work"

Jasmine: " join us for breakfast, won't you? "

Jaden: " thank you for the kind gesture"

Fred:" don't forget the office meeting Zara, you have to be there immediately after breakfast "

Agni: " as soon as am done eating, I'll get going "

Jasmine: " I want to come with Zara let me come with you right Jay ?"

Jaden: " I can't help precious jewel,am not going with Agni so try a little harder"

Agni: " she will give me trouble that's what's she's good at and that's what I don't want am going alone and that's final "

Fred:" she's going to be so lonely at home so take her with "

Agni: " this habit of everyone asking me to carry out this little girls demands is so frustrating! fine I'll take her with. get up Jasi let's go "

Jasi: " yes am done let's go!"

Agni and Jasi get to the car and Jasmine insists on sitting in the front,

Agni: " you are not old enough to sit in the front don't you get it?"

Jasmine: " am a big girl so I have every right"

Agni: " am not in the mood to exchange words with you get in but if anything happens don't say I didn't warn you, let's go "

Agni and Jasi are driving to the office but Agni notices a strange black van following them in every single turn. Agni manages to lose the car but a truck emerges out of nowhere and it slightly hits the corner of Agni's car by the corner. Agni controls the car breaks even though it hits a tree. The men in the truck and those in the van come together and talk. Agni overheat them talking about kidnapping them as the boss instructed. Before the men can make a move,Agni takes a collapsed Jasi out of the car and runs into the forest. The men check the car but don't find their victim,

Man 1:" she was in the car,I saw her"

Man 2:" no time for that. We should look for her,she must have gone into the forest"

Agni comes across a certain big rock and she tries her best to revive Jasi. After many attempts, she wakes up and says sorry to Agni for been difficult,

Jasmine: " sorry aunt Zara, I was difficult and you told me not to seat in the front of the car!"

Agni: " its fine but I told you so. Stay here, don't move no matter what, clear?"

Jasmine: " yes madam"

Agni ambushes the men one by one and manages to pull them off. She and Jasi run out of the forest and get to the main road. Jasi gets too tired to walk,Agni has no phone on her to make a call. They take a hike and they reach safely home,

Fred:" what happened to the both of you? "

Agni: " we are fine "

Niki: " and the car?"

Jasmine: " I'll tell you what happened aunt Niki, we were attacked by some criminals, our car crushed and we got lost in the forest. But Zara managed to beat them all and here we are"

Agni: " I'll go and freshen up"

Niki: " come Jasi, I'll give you your dinner"

After dinner, Jasi goes to Agni and sees a poster of herself and she questions why,

Jasmine: " why is there a photo of me in the poster Zara? "

Agni: " today,you almost lost your life because of me. I have many enemies and this could cost your life,this poster will help get you to your mom Jasi"

Jasmine: " will you put all of these photos in the neighborhood? "

Agni: " not just the neighborhood, I uploaded the photos on social media now we will put them around the neighborhood shall we?"

Jasmine: " we are on a mission yay this is going to be so much fun!"

Jasmine and Agni are busy putting up posters when a strange number calls on her phone informing her that Jasmine is her daughter,

Woman:" I saw a girls photograph on your page, I wanted to let year know that she is Jasmine my daughter "

Agni: " that's amazing, where do we meet?"

Woman:" at the town mall,there is a fuelling station there I'll see you "

Agni tells Jasmine the good news,she is happy and sad at the same time. They go to the fuelling station to meet Jasmine's mom. At the station, Jasmine tells Agni she wants to buy cotton candy from the man selling on the other side of the road. Agni forbids her as it is dangerous to cross the busy road. When Agni looks away while talking on the phone and Jasmine sees the chance to cross the road. But the unfortunate happens a car comes rushing and bashes little Jasi,

Woman:" Jasmine!!!! "

Agni: " Jasi!!! "

Agni rushes to the scene,takes hold of the driver and gives him a beating of his life for been so careless,

Agni: " don't you know how to drive properly! you almost killed somebody! "

Driver: " am sorry madam I didn't see her"

The woman in the burka and another elderly lady run to Jasmine and start crying,

Burka lady:" my sweetheart wake up,mom is here"

elderly lady: " wake up Jasi wake up!"

Agni lifts Jasi an rushes her to the nearby hospital. The doctor does a check up and Jasi is fine. Agni tries to see Jasi bit the elderly lady forbids her to do so,

Lady:" not another footstep, you kidnapped my granddaughter and brought this upon her!"

Agni: " I have respect for my elders but not when they are been disrespectful in return"

lady:" you shameless girl! you wanted to demand money from us! I can't believe that a beautiful girl like you can be so cunning! "

The police arrive at the hospital and Jasmine's granny asks them to arrest Agni with the charge of kidnapping,

lady:" she is the one officer,the kidnapper"

Agni: " you called the police on me? I save your so called granddaughter and this is how you pay me back?"

The police arrest Agni and take her to the station. Niki,Fred and Jay go to the police upon hearing of the arrest. When Jasmine wakes up, she is happy to see her mom and granny. She asks of Zara and her granny tells her she got so called Zara arrested,

Jasmine: " how can you granny? she saved my life,its because of her am still alive and you arrested my friend!"

Burka lady: " why do that mother,its not fair,Jasi wouldn't be with us if it weren't for her"

Jasmine: " take me to the station so I can take my friend out of prison, she is not a bad person! "

A few minutes later, Jasmine and her family arrive and Agni is so pissed off. With Jasmine's confession, the police release Agni and she comes face to face with the granny,

Jasmine: " sorry my granny got you arrested Zara "

Burka lady: " am sorry too miss Zara, my mother, miss Jason, was just worried "

Agni: " miss Jason uhm? Do you all know what I went through for Jasi? its good that you have her now leave me alone! "

Burka lady: " are you Zara? "

Agni: " no! Agni, choose one!"

Agni walks out and Jasmine feels hurt. At home, Jasi is missing Agni and Agni is missing Jasi. Niki talks to Agni but she dodges the talk and just falls asleep.

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