
Meet the Chaos Squad

Winter brings Jacob to the woods and past a few oak trees. 

Eventually, they stumble upon four people stacked on top of each other on the ground. There are grumblings of aggravation and a bit of laughter despite the chaos. Jacob doesn't know how he should react. Sighing, Winter walks forward and snatches the cellphone from Courtney who is trying her best not to get it squished.

"What's going on?" Winter demanded, though there's nothing condemnatory about her tone.

"They're all idiots…!" Ace yelled from the bottom of the pile.

"Idiots, I say!" 

Jacob felt sorry for him. It must not be a very comfortable position. 

"That doesn't really explain anything, Ace."

She carefully places the gadget somewhere far from them. Courtney gives her a shy grin as she tries to explain, "Maxine brought fries. And well… you know…"

"Xander!" the three of them chorused. 

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