
I'm Indiana Jones

Well one thing Marcus understood over the past week was that just knowing about the general vicinity of a place cannot guarantee one to the exact location of the place one needs to reach.

The answer to this came in the form of a pyramid laid beneath the sand dunes with its tip at the ground level and the rest of the structure buried underground making it very difficult to spot if not for Marcus accidentally hitting a switch while he was throwing a tantrum in rage over having no results only to later shamelessly praise himself for a job well done.

The structure in question was of size comparable to the Pyramid of Giza just instead built completely underground.

Marcus entered through the hatch visible at the tip of the pyramid open to the world only to trigger a trap collapsing the said entrance. Even though he could get out at any moment through just brute strength or use of some runes to enhance it he opted not to with the chance of the complete structure to collapse on itself burying the tomb and even the treasure with it completely.

As Marcus walked through the narrow straits with a lit fire in complete dark forcing him to use his blessing for a night vision he regularly heard weird noises.


"Damn these Indiana Jones vibes!" cursed Marcus in frustration of being regularly jumped at by these sudden voices.

Ignoring these Marcus kept going deeper and deeper, sometimes coming across small rooms filled with gold or skeletons or just sand and just swaying his hand storing all the gold in the ring he made with the help of the blessing of the Runic gods.

Everything went the same with Marcus marching forward except with the occasional traps he would trigger causing the walls to collapse on pathways or the pathway itself to tear open or poisoned arrows being fired which just proved to frustrate Marcus along with the increasing pressure and heat and reduced oxygen.

"Geez sometimes my genius frightens me of how much a genius I am" remarked Marcus narcistically as he thought of the moment when he made the wish that he made which still proved to him as an excellent investment.

As he was reminiscing about the past year he had spent in this world he suddenly stepped on a pavement stone that pushed in immediately making Marcus to jump a few feet back only for a wall to split open leading to a new pathway.

Going through the pathway he was eventually mey with a large chamber door made up of a strange material covered with dust most likely to be a very diluted version of the Nth metal.

"Finally!" he exclaimed as he started touching around the vicinity for any trigger switch that could open the door ultimately finding a small lever behind a stone moving the door open by few inches.

Seeing that the door was open, Marcus pushed open the door only to meet with cobs of web and dust all around with skeletons instead of the expected chamber wit flowing gold.

"What was I even expecting. Sigh" With a sigh Marcus moved forward inspecting all around with nothing of interest except a cage like structure within the floor in the middle.

Approaching the cage like structure Marcus immediately broke it and then jumped directly inside falling for a few feet until he landed on something metal if it is to go by the sound it made.

Using his finger as a medium Marcus concentrated some energy on the tip and casted a light rune by writing in the air to make the room properly lighted.

As he observed around he found two tombs and a door at the far end. he had officially founded the graves of the emperor Khufu and his wife and the possible treasure trove of Nth metal behind the door.

As he opened the door, he met with a very large cave like system with water flowing and a metal structure at the far end struck within the rocks.

If it was someone else they would have doubted about it's purpose but Marcus knew what it was.

It was the Thanagarian ship!

As he was marveling the ship he suddenly heard noises of several men approaching to his location.

How they managed to reach here he had no idea but he needed to take care of them if he wanted to have the maximum profit from this endeavour of his.

Marcus immediately moved to the least conspicuous location and observed silently as a group of about 12 people walked in with a very familiar person at it's head, his guide.

'Well from the start I should have been attentive towards him. Who knew he was with some tomb raiders.' snarked Marcus in his thoughts.

"Hey, Khalid where is that man" asked a rough looking man to Marcus's guide.

"Does it matter? What matters is we get our hands on the treasures, we can always get rid of him if he shows up."

Marcus didn't take any action as he kept silently observing and following them as they made their way down from the cliff towards the ship which due to centuries of being at static state looked like a cave.

"Woah, this wall is some sort of metal." said a man who accidentally hit the wall leading to his discovery.

"What?" said another spectacled man. "Marvellous, I've never seen something like this" he said as he traced his fingers along the etched figures on the ship hull.

"Excellent! This just means more money."exclaimed Khalid in glee only for a club made of stone to drop on his head squishing him like jelly and his innards flying with his blood all over the individuals nearby.

This sudden action caused everyone to be silent in confusion for a few moments until the closest individual who by now had innards all over scream. "AHHHHH-"*PCHUI only to meet with the same fate.

"I knew this won't be simple." muttered Marcus in the distance as he looked coldly at a group of 5 metal golems or automatons slaughtering the group of raiders.

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